Boba Fett Helmet Blueprints/Templates

To clarify real quick, Sintra isn't styrene. Sintra is PVC. Beautiful job on that bucket so far. What did you use for the dome? Or did you scratch build that from the WoF plans too. Keep up the progress pics.

Thank you telling eighteendelta ! And I always thought Sintra is styrene, honestly I never heard the word Sintra before :eek:. Is it a another brand?
The dome is also scratch build and of cause with the help of the WoF templates. His work is so great ! I build the dome out of thick paper and laminated it from inside. More will come later :)

I´ve found it! Look at ""
Great job Thomas, thank you !

@ Ghostsoldier Rob

Your lid looks super already! The cheeks are already well shaped ! I don't think you will have any problems to build them with the right glue... But please, when sintra isn't styrene ask your dealer for the right glue then, I am sorry when I have confused you !

I cannot wait to see more from yall !

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Been working with these templates in paper for the moment and I notced that a some peoples upper cheek pieces have a definate fold running diagonally at about 45 degrees from the top corner to the middle whilst some don't. Is there any reason for this? Is there supposed to be a fold?
Thank you telling eighteendelta ! And I always thought Sintra is styrene, honestly I never heard the word Sintra before :eek:. Is it a another brand?
The dome is also scratch build and of cause with the help of the WoF templates. His work is so great ! I build the dome out of thick paper and laminated it from inside. More will come later :)

If you are using garage sale signs for example then it's probably Sintra/Foamed PVC. It's possible you are using styrene if you bought raw sheets from a plastics supplier. I was basing my comment on the content of the rest of your post.

Sintra is the trade name held by Alcan Composites for thier proprietary rigid foam, closed cell, PVC board. You can find rigid foam, closed cell, PVC board by other names in Europe, for example 'foam PVC' in the UK from these people...

I don't know any suppliers in Germany or I would include those. I hope that helps.

Been working with these templates in paper for the moment and I notced that a some peoples upper cheek pieces have a definate fold running diagonally at about 45 degrees from the top corner to the middle whilst some don't. Is there any reason for this? Is there supposed to be a fold?

The line you see in the scratch built helmets is there for ease of construction. For Jango and Boba, there should not be a line in the final product. A lot of scratch builders prefer to glue with the crease then bondo over it and smooth it afterwards. I think you could probably leave the line for a custom if you wanted without too many complaints. I get the impression though that you are going for a cannon character. Some of the more experienced scratch builders might also chime in here soon enough.

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Eighteen the link you posted is for a product usually known in the UK as "foamex" It is basically two thin sheets of glossy card sandwitching a layer of high density polystyrene foam. It's hell to work with and doesen't bend easily. The site you posted had this however -
This sound like the right stuff. :)

I beg to differ, that's the exact link I have posted...

This is the foam-x

Somehow the URL and the hyperlink didn't match, my mistake, strange....

Thanks, it's been fixed.

I don't know any suppliers in Germany or I would include those. I hope that helps.
Yes I know this stuff, in Germany we have "Forex" that is also foamed sign PVC. Sounds almost equal to UK's "foamex" :)
I used that stuff only for signs. For me its too stiff.
I've bought my styrene in a special model shop so I think it should be styrene than? :rolleyes
Been working with these templates in paper for the moment and I notced that a some peoples upper cheek pieces have a definate fold running diagonally at about 45 degrees from the top corner to the middle whilst some don't. Is there any reason for this? Is there supposed to be a fold?

Yes, there is, because of the plastic is much stiffer than paper, so the easiest way is to make cut at the most stressed areas. This corner is a real pain without beeing cut. After cutting you have to use putty to make it smooth again.
In the pictures you saw my helmet before, that was without the smoothed corners. Tomorrow I will have pictures of my bucket olmost done in its shape.
Sintra seems to be the dominant market name for foam pvc in the US (like Sellotape) but there are a few other brands available in the rest of the world. This company in the UK stocks a good brand called Foamalux .

A quick google search for "pvc foam board" will give you some sources in your area.
from - "Note that when you're shopping for PVC foam board, you need to make sure you are not getting Fome-Cor®, a.k.a. "foam core," which is much softer, and essentially just paper-faced styrofoam." Taht's the stuff I mentioned earlier.:)

A good guide to PVC foam boards -
Sintra -- the basics
News from my scratchbuild:
After a coat of primer
and airbrushing (the killstripes are painted)
I´m beginning with the stencils.
They are a mix of painting and scatching.

How is it so far?

Criticism is really welcome!!!







Just wanted to jump in and say I've started assembling my bucket from these plans. Not very far along yet. Still have to cut out the cheeks and insert the inset pieces. I used the plans as they were, just a tad small for full size perhaps... but I'm not very big myself, and if I want to wear the thing then I will pro'ly stick with this size. Maybe, if I get brave, I'll make a second one a little larger. Who knows.

Hope mine turns out as nicely as all these ones are coming along.


Now I gotta find something to use for the dome. I have something on hand, but I would have to alter it. I'll look around a bit more before I cut it up.


Well, no dome yet, but I had just enough resin left from my Vader project to coat the inside/outside of my construction. The main part of the helmet is bristol board (poster board - whatever), while the top and bottom rims are a much thicker and stronger cardboard - think of the stuff they use for backing on a really sturdy watercolor painting pad. The flat parts of the cheeks are also a heavier card than the rest of it. Looks kinda gloppy, but once it's fully set up I can start sanding it down and smoothing it out.


I'm thinking it's Boba for halloween this year.
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I have just updated the first post to include the Flat patterns for the "ears".

Everyone has done such a fantastic job with their build it has been a real pleasure talking with you all. Please keep up the great work.

Alan...thanks for those awesome ear templates! I was dreading to make these things scratchbuilt (which is my next step), but these patterns just made that job 150% easier! Now I'm looking forward to it!(y)
Your fast Tazman, wow, what colors did you use ?? Was it all brushed by paintbrush or did you also use an airbrush?

@ Alan, great those flat templates are perfect, I will use them pretty soon ! Thank you and SD68 we have them!!

I think about starting a very detailed tutorial soon, of how to build a Bucket using your fantastic templates Alan. I am already pretty far with my lid and I probebly had a different way to use your templates. What about making this tutorial a little together, comparing the one and the other way ? I don't want to put a pressure on you, I am a very busy man a you maybe to, we can take us a lot time. What do you think ???

See here the first helemet I've tried was made from flower and 14 eggs ! Did taste pretty rusty...:D


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