Spraypaint equivelant to US Med. Green?


Active Hunter
Does anybody know of a spraypaint equivelant to US Med. Green? I searched and found a thread which points to another thread but that other thread is dead, so any help would be great.Thanks,
I don't think there's a really close "rattlecan" equivalent.
I tried looking for one back when I was researching colors to do my armor.
I had found one color chart somewhere that showed FS numbers and it claimed that Testors Model Master Dark Green (#1910) was the same. . . but it wasn't.
The US Med Green by Floquil has a significantly bluer base to it. It's really pretty noticeable.
Tell me you're joking. How long have you had your ROTJ costume? :lol: US Medium Green is the green of the ROTJ armor, man!
Tell me you're joking. How long have you had your ROTJ costume? :lol: US Medium Green is the green of the ROTJ armor, man!

I have actually never looked at the rogue studios color list. Crazy, I know.

All of my color matching has just been by eye, based on what I think it looks like. I feel like having the perfect match handed to me like that is taking some of the fun out of it :)

But now that I know which is which... here is some of Webchief's old armor painted with US medium green and mine painted with Rustoleum Hunt club green:


Pic was taken in natural daylight. That matches close enough for me :)

I left out that the rattlecan one is the one on the right.
Wow, that Rustoleum Hunt Club green looks really close in that pic.
Haven't seen anything else that comes that close. It looks way better than the Testors green I experimented with.
Testors Model Master Dunklegrun RLM 82 is the closest paint people have found to the ESB armor plates. It's darker than the Floquil / Polly Scale US Medium Green paint of the ROTJ armor plates.

(Both are airbrush paints)
I just bought Rutoleum Hunter Green for my ROTJ from Lowes today and tested on a sheet of paper...it looks like it might work with limited thickness.

Has anyone tried this kind that thought it worked well?
Although, now that I look at the pictures posted above by TK7602, it looks like this "Hunt Club Green" may be what I'm talking about...

Hi! This is my first post.
US medium green is FS34092.
You can find it from Gunze-Sangyo "Hobby Color H 302"

Hope this will help you.

For the armor FS 34138 would be better.
It´s equal to RLM 83.
Vallejo Model Color VA074.

FS 34092 is also known as Gunship green and it´s to dark for the armor.
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There's a color used by Rustoleum called Spruce Green. It has a dull Satin finish, which probably you'll want to spray it a bit with a clear flat finish, and a mist of flat black for weathering. That's what I use on my armor.

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