OK........ i give up!!!!! has anyone done or could anyone do...a comprehensible tutorial for a dummy like me to kit up? ive got my BM armour and soft parts all set, but i have no idea for putting it together. i need to know how the harness goes. i take it it connects through the slots in the back plate but under the flak? oh man i just need a complete head to toe run down....knee armour? elastic but how do i fix it to the armour? pouches? sewn to the sash or flight suit? how do i attatch the cod and butt so it is secure but removable? how do i stop the flightsuit from coming out over my boots and spats? hows the best way to secure the hoses up the flak? how do i cut a hole in the flak for the chest lights so it doesnt fray and get larger?

please someone take pity on a nooooooooooooooooooob......
i take it it connects through the slots in the back plate but under the flak?
Yes, over the jumpsuit but under the flak.

....knee armour? elastic but how do i fix it to the armour?
Strong glue, like GOOP works fine.

pouches? sewn to the sash or flight suit?
Most people have the side pouches with a slot on top that slides over the ammo belt.

how do i attatch the cod and butt so it is secure but removable?
I used elastic with GOOP, works great.

how do i stop the flightsuit from coming out over my boots and spats?
Sounds like you suit might be a bit too short for you.

hows the best way to secure the hoses up the flak?
I duct taped the hoses together with a small piece of webbing and a quick release clip. Then a sewed another piece with the clip up inside the flak sleeve.

how do i cut a hole in the flak for the chest lights so it doesnt fray and get larger?
Sew a square around the area you want to cut. Once you make your cutout you have that box of thread to secure it from fraying.
thanks guys, delta dude does that mean i need to cut holes in the flak for the harness to pass through? also does the soft square panel on my harness protect the back armour from fubbing on the jet pack or is it to fit against my this is freakin me out!!!!!!
Yes you'll need to cut 2 slots in the vest, the material is non frey so you will be fine. The panel on the harnes is there to keep the harness in shape and to stop it rolling around your body.


thanks guys, delta dude does that mean i need to cut holes in the flak for the harness to pass through? also does the soft square panel on my harness protect the back armour from fubbing on the jet pack or is it to fit against my this is freakin me out!!!!!!
This is an honest question, doesn't TK409 have this on his site? I seem to remember there being some kind of tutorial on there about assembly. I could be wrong though.

yes tk409 has tutorials on his web site for snaps and i think he uses them with mlc armor which i thought was fibreglass but i might be wrong but if delta says that goop works then go with that because it looks like snaps are more complicated.
where he has fiberglass ones, goop would be fine. If they were vacuum formed or sintra I'd use the snap technique

i've gooped elastic onto all sorts of plastics... if your plastic is really thin, the goop can warp it, so that is a valid concern. it's got to be really thin though for that to happen.

thicker plastics, i goop all the time. my new mb rocket pack is 100% gooped together.
Actually my concern with the plastic ones is the stress it endures when you stretch it to go over your leg, warping never even crossed my mind. :lol:
My knee straps have been gooped on for years now. Occasionally they'll pull away and I've just gooped them back on. We're talking 2 or 3 times tops in the 5 years I've worn it... and I wear it a lot. ;)
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