Chest assembly


Active Hunter
Hiyas guys, i was just wondering how everyone has or intends to attatch all the chest armor, ovaries, stomach piece, hoses etc to the costume?

Seems quite a few different ways you could do it, i know there is a diagram floating about of one way to do it, has anyone else done it this way or another way?
i just used some screws and some clothes hanger pieces with spare leather to get everything together like this...




as far as attaching the hose...i plan to use some form of pvc pipe that ill attach to the inside of my resin couplings that the hose can slip over...I plan to simply drill holes in the bottom of my resin couplings and rivet them to the front of the vest using some rivet washers on the back side, then epoxy the pvc pipe to the inside which the hose will push over...

as far as the chest straps...i think im making jamie a harness she can wear under her vest rather than attach the harness to the vest...this will keep all the weight of the armor on her shoulders rather than the vest...I' then push the two male end clips through the front access hole of the vest and clip them to the other female clip which will be atttached to the armor, similar to moncals set up with a few variations...
Cheers dude. We didn't mean that side of it really. Allthough it all helps, so thanks. We meant the actual attaching of the armour pieces to the suit itself. Methods of keeping it on you and from it falling off.

I understand most use some sort of clip to attach the chest armour pieces to the vest, but what about the parts below that? Won't they flap all over if not secured down somehow?

How have people connected it all together internally. Clips, elastic, webbing, braces, that kind of thing

Looking at the images off the exhibiton cd (close ups of Zam underarms), some show that she's wearing a black elastic brace under the vest but over the crop top arms. What's for, where's it going and whats it connected to? Hmmmm?

Anyone know or have any thoguhts on this one please? Do you guys wear braces to hold the neoprene pants up maybe?
I'm confused...

I don't think the actual pieces below the chest armor are attached to anything except on the back by the wires and webbing, such as JDFett or Moncal have shown. They just kinda "hang" there on the back... as far as I know.

Which picture are you refering to John? Can you give me a picture number?

There are suspenders to hold up the pants if you want to be canon about it. Or... you could just go with elastic and be non-canon. I don't think anyone could see the difference unless they looked really close, in which case you can whop them with the hanging greeblies! :lol:
Ok hang on...picture number DSC04286 shows the black elastic brace.

If you look at some promotional shots of Zam, like this classic one...


...You can see the ovaries are swinging about but the lower abomen parts aren't. they must be attched to her somehow?????
Uh??? and what's that thing underneath the skirt over her bum too?
What else have I missed? LOL

See I'm thinking the washer on her belt (under the ovaries, helps to hold them down somehow from the rear....?
I know its not canon but i was actually thinking of putting a velcro back to the ab piece an sewing some on the vest?

that other piece is interesting under the skirt...i never noticed that
Oh... crimeny... here we go with the "butt pillow" again! :lol: :lol: :lol:

DSC04286: That shows the suspenders as far as I remember we decided.
butt pillow? hmmm maybe thats what it really sure sitting on that laced leather could be mightly uncomfortable at times...where are you guys finding the pictures your referencing? off the DCB disk?
From the CD that Iceheart now sends out dude.
Shots taken when a Zam mannequin was dressed up at an exhibition in Australia....I think? Taken by DCB a while back. Nice chap
actually i feel stupid now cause i figured that out right after i typed the comment:facepalm:facepalm

just some other things about keeping things in place...i also intend to place industrial strength velcro under the ankle armor and on the shoe in strategic places to keep it straight and secure while jamie is walking around...we noticed that it tends to flop around quite a bit when walking and sometimes stays in the raise position...the velcro will keep it flush with the shoe in the proper placement while wearing them...we also velcroed the toe guard on the shoe as well...and used a small flat head screw through a predrilled hole to keep the tooth on the side as well as epoxy...that way it wont fall off and get lost either..

just some other secure concepts ive been doing as we go along with the im sure some other builder know...the first troop always rears the ugly head of..."oopps...shouldve done that differently"...trying to work out all the bugs before the first troop this time!:lol: im sure some other builder know...the first troop always rears the ugly head of..."oopps...shouldve done that differently"...trying to work out all the bugs before the first troop this time!:lol:

Yeah... I've been trying to think ahead too... Ran into the joys of that with my daughter's costumes at C4! :lol: Oopps there goes the tabbard! Arrghh!!! there goes the belt-thingy!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Gads!!! Try telling a 9 year-old not to move!!! ;) With all the many parts of Zam... I'm thinking it's gonna be a nightmare!!! I might need to hire someone to follow me and pick up all the pieces falling off! ;) :lol:
john and becky,

i think someone asked you this already but where did you get the hose? it looks spot on!
Yeah... I asked. They got it from someone no longer around here. :( :cry I've got the hose that MonCal recommended, but I'm still looking for something a little more screen-accurate. No luck so far.
To Be Honest ;)

I was feeling lazy, sorry.

One thing I am certain of is it was from a hoover of some sort. Cos one end had an adaptor thing on it. It's grey in it's untampered state
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