
Oh and wetting the leather with a mist spray helps the airbrush paint soak into the cracks.

Stretch the material before measuring and marking your lines as this stuff is like elastic. (White pig skin)
you are so not kidding...i washed mine with the fels naptha soap and then stretched it onto my deck and stapled it down...then let it ended up feeling like paper...very strange..and was easier to sew but once you pulled it it came right back to being super stretch!..tough stuff to sew and handle for sure....

im not really sure im following you on the seam thing...i was going to just make two the three sides, flip it right side out...put the bading inside then stitxh the ribs and then fold the last end into itself and run a stitch down to close it? not sure what you mean about the facing seams ect...
I also have a feeling that they backed the cumberbund with a leather piece so that it wouldn't collapse under the weight of the greeblies etc.

And no, you have to go to a boot repair shop with special "installers" to get those type of boot hooks, and get them installed, tandy doesn't carry them. I just put a spacer and hammered the heck outta mine and added glued them to make sure they stayed, after making it flower out.

that sounds like a good idea..putting the leather piece behind it...i also like the idea of sewing the bottom seam last...makes some sense to me...

as far as the boot not real familiar with the way they look but it sounds like you were able to find a way to get it done without someone else doing it for you?
Yep. I had two cumberbunds made. One cumberbund had a professional do the boot hooks and the other didn't. The second one I used the method mentioned above and finished my cumberbund last minute before d'con because the sewing and painting turned out better than the first, but the boot hooks weren't installed as good, but hey, it works still. I went through a ton of boot hooks trying to get them to stay, but it's been 3+? years and they are still holding up. Yay!
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I've stumbled across a wonderful material that will help us fellow Zam seamstresses make the various Zam parts, far far easier.... :)

Seen as pig skin is stretchy it's a bugger to sew with, right? Not anymore...

If you iron on heat activated cotton glue sheets to this inside of the pig skin, this helps LOADS!

It doesn't spoil anything, just helps to stop the pig skin stretching under your needle and over time.
Don't leave the iron on too long as the skin wrinkles up and shrinks

Check this out...

Basic length, plus mock up of belt that fits Becky

After ironing the cotton onto the pig skin strip

Trim it all away

Leaves you with a little pig skin, cotton pocket

Far easier to mark out now as it won't lose it's shape.

And then you can add quilting like this



Hope this helps someone :)
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Very cool! Thanks for the link JDFett! I bought some (from England might I add!) - but now can't find the things... ;) That's what happens when I re-organize!

John - I don't know if I've ever seen that here in the states... kind of like a stabilizer I assume. Iron-on interfacing? Does the needle get gummed up when you sew with it?
Yes, yes yes. That's it!! Iron on interfacing. I remember what it's called now. The lady in shop did say and remeber that term going way over my head but she said it would do what I wanted.

No it doesn't get gummed up at all. The glue dries as it cools and sticks to the internal nap of the pig skin really well. I've flown through the belt, second time round. Will post pictures tomorrow. I'm off to bed
i saw those too...but you need a setter for them and thats just added cost for something that isnt really seen when together...the other sew on boot hooks are nice cause they are for one sew setter needed and you wont see the sew on part after its laced...not sure how big they are though
Oh yeah and the best match I've seen for Zam's boot hooks are called J91, military by YKK. The zip folk

These things look spot on to me


If anyone over in the States finds these, please spare me and Becky a thought :)

I think that I saw those same ones wayyy back when...and, yes, much more accurate. (y) I contemplated getting a box, but instead, I got mine from a local boot place that does custom leather boots. I tried to get them to make the zam shoe but they wouldn't, because it wasn't thier type of boot. Then I asked them about the boot hooks, and she said, "I am sorry I can't help you any more, you lucked out, we just had some from a discontinued run," and stuffed a scrap of leather and some boot hooks in a bag, and said "good luck." She was really really nice. I wished I could've given her more business, but the fact was it wasn't plausible. Cowboy boots wouldn't equal zam boots.
I couldn't find those things... I've looked and looked and looked. I've found someone to set them - but they don't carry them and won't order them. :( Right now, I'm not caring if they are sew-ons or set-ins as long as they are "hooks" !!! Yep.. I'm getting desperate! :D :lol: I know I put them someplace! *gads... someday I'm gonna get organized!*
do the set ins basacally work similar to a snap set without the back piece? I wonder how much force is really needed to set them without a tool...
got em!!!

ok who wants some? :)

I spoke to YKK here in the UK today and our military use them for their MODs boots etc :)
The guy is sending me samples in the post

I'll get several, more than I need, some if they are right, they must be, and someone wants some, please ask

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You've got the right ones John! No question!!! You could go to a shoe repair place (the correct name eludes me at the moment - feeling blonde :lol: ) and they should be able to set the hooks for you in the finished cumberbund!
.............You could go to a shoe repair place (the correct name eludes me at the moment - feeling blonde :lol: ) ..........

Over here we call them cobblers ;). Yeah good idea. However the chap on the phone did say that they sell a little tool, much like you get when yu hammer press studs through things, that's really cheap. He said you do need a tool but good news it's cheap :)

Made by YKK, in the states they're called J91, over here M34 :rolleyes
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