TDH Group photo incostume at C4-SATURDAY 1:30 @ THE TDH TABLE!

Yea ok I guess in front of the booth is ok...

Can we pick a time please I am running out of internet time before I leave!

Just not Sat 4-5 because that is when I have my Fett costuming panel to host! (Come see it btw).
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HOW BOUT AROUND 2PM on Saturday in front of the table???

Sounds good, after that lets go to the Slave cave ;)

The 1st way of everyone should be the TDH-booth in order to check the time of the photo-shoot because of any changes.

I´ll start at 1am pacific-time (in Germany it is 10 am) on Wednesday, so only 17 hours to go for my start to the U.S. ....

See ya

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2 P.m. on Saturday, meeting at the TDH booth, works for me!

And what's the big deal about a Leia shoot anyways?;)
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Are you just meeting at the table and shooting elsewhere or will you be shooting at the table? We would LOVE to see some group pictures at the table!!!
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Are you just meeting at the table and shooting elsewhere or will you be shooting at the table? We would LOVE to see some group pictures at the table!!!

So far everyone has agreed to the table...(y)

Can this be a stickey???

Thanks Kristen:)
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Sounds great Wondering if people can have their kids there too. I know several had talked about a junior Fett shot. Can't recall where that thread went though...
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I will be there this afternoon setting up the table. If it doesnt' look like it's a good spot for a group photo, I will search for an alternate location this evening (hopefully close by so we can use the table as a place to meet first) Stay tuned to this thread and I will post updates!
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Thanks CV for checking the location.

Britt, yes please do the photo, you have great skillz.

My kids will be at the TDH group shoot in Mando gear, so I say "bring 'em on!" :lol:

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Yes, definitely have Brit do it!!! He's the best!!!
Thank you so much, Brit, for offering.
My son will also be there in his Mando suit!
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Hmm, just realized the Slave Leia shoot is at 2pm. Unless you guys want to move back the time, I can't make this afterall.
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