I just noticed something weird about ROTJ exhibit shoulder bells.

Mr Fett

Well-Known Hunter
Browsing the exhibit pics again and I noticed something I hadn't before about the ROTJ right shoulder bell...... in the AOSW exhibit, the big 'dings' appear to be recessed into the shoulder bell material, but for the MOM exhibit, those same two big 'dings' are just painted on, with no actual indent into the armor. Now, the little one on the upper left of the top edge IS indented on both suits, but the main two 'dings' are not.

They painted the weathering pretty much the same for both exhibits, but that right shoulder I guess does vary a bit....AOSW actually being dented and MOM just being painted weathered.
Also, the weathering appears to be full topical on the shoulder bells. There's too many spots where you can see the main yellow showing through the silver and catwhisker yellow colors.
Back in 1999 when I painted my Boba suit, I used Krylon Farm & Implement John Deere Yellow (1816) for the shoulders and knees. It looks brighter yellow on the spraypaint can cap, but it actually dries more of a yellow/orange like the Boba parts are. I still have those parts around and today am comparing them to the reference pics.....sitting next to the computer holding a shoulder bell.

Now, Rogue Studios hadn't made the master paint list by that time and there weren't the reference CDs around either. I'm looking at the first Boba reference CD at the AOSW exhibit (CKING's pics) and that spraypaint I used is practically dead on to the AOSW shoulders and knees. (Yeah I know there's a pre-pro knee thrown in there, but I mean the ROTJ knee).

So instead of mixing the Reefer Yellow and UP Armor Yellow together as the Rogue Studios list recommends, this may be a quick alternative for those who are "airbrush challenged". But, since the spraypaint I used was back in 1999, I don't know if the company has changed the consistancy of the color with the new paints, but my shoulder bell appears to be 99.9% the exact same base color as the AOSW exhibit pics I'm looking at.

For the ROTJ shoulders/knees, I know most guys mist them with an orange tone in spots and that's fine. Just sharing my quick base color with you all who are interested in creating the AOSW "Special Edition" style suits. :)

The M.O.M. shoulders/knees appear a tad different color than the AOSW knees, but that's most likely the lighting change between exhibits.
Here we go, more ramblings from Mr Fett......

Been studying the high res movie stills Braks posted a while back and it's still hard to see with the movie lighting. But it really does look like the ROTJ movie suit did not have the 2 deep 'dings' indented into the right shoulder bell, which makes the MOM shoulders movie accurate.

But, in most publicity shots they took for various promotions (also with an ESB helmet), it looks like the shoulders ARE indented quite a bit, which means that the AOSW shoulders are accurate to the marketing pics....aka what everyone calls the "Special Edition Boba".

Also, anyone else notice the "true" Special Edition Boba (yeah the on-screen one from ANH Special Edition) is wearing what appears to be a straight out of the box MOM suit? He's got on a pre-pro cod just like the one that appears in the MOM display.....except his shoulder bells are on backwards.
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