New Project (Cade Skywalker)

Well I couldn't get to a Home Depot so I checked Wal-Mart for some paint. I found the Krylon spray paint and my friend found a spary grip to attach to the paint can and make it easier to paint. I'm starting right now on the armor.
Fantastic! Sounds like your having a good time.

Ya know, I'm trying to work on a lil prop business (still going through the preproduction stuff). I'll take a look aorund and see what I can do about the Rawk Chopped Special. If someone oculd get me as much photo resource as possbile (like a scan of every picture in the comic of it, no joke) that would VERY helpful. I ask for all of them since comic artists don't always keep things uniform thorugh the comics. Thanks a bunch!

Also, is this a two shot only gun (double barrels), or does it have a magazine of some sort? The explanation is quite vag about that.

edit: Of course I just realized something: In the Legacy 0 issue, the page that has Cade's Rawk Chopped Special (RCS) there's a picture of him with some gauntlets. To me, the right arm gaunt looks like Klingon gauntlets, while the other seems to be a data pad with two straps at the fore and back end of it which ais wrapped aorund the arm. Now I haven't read the Legacy series (shopping at eBay time) but that's what it looks like to me: (and yes, that's the best picture I could find that I could actually get)
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Weird, my issue 0 has different pics, I hadn't seen those gauntlets before. I had only seen him wearing the red wrist wraps like you wear in martial arts under your gloves. Interesting to note that his armour is closer to Fett armour (ab piece especially) and he has what looks like a neck seal.
For the front plates I used wide strips of leather running down the inside. Each strip connects 2 segments. The leather is contact cemented to the sintra. of course you could also use extra material from the armour, it just wont be as flexible. For attaching over the shoulders, get someone to hold the armour against you, while you take a piece of leather and hold it where you want it strapped. Measure the length of leather you need, then attach.
for an airsoft conversion, there are 2 that you could use , one for the grip and back part, and the rest for the double barrels, but there's still a bit of greebles to sort out. I think makign it ouw od wood, PVC, ect would be the best way to go if you want to get an accurate looking one. However this is based on the judgement of only seeing ONE side of it, so if someone could please scan all the reference available in the comics, that would be great! Just pm me so I can give you my e-mail address. I dont need far shots, just the best refernce pics that you think I could use. Again, thanks a bunch!
I'm just using a black tanktop. I'm not going to bother ripping the edges because I still want to be able to use it as an actual tanktop, and not just for a costume. I've got my red wristwraps done, and I'll work on the sash soon. I'll get some more pics up at that stage.
Ladies and Gents here are the templates for your back plates... i do so hope they help. if they are to big for yea (these were made for medium size) let me know and i will shrink them

there are 4 templates, the one marked E is if u want to do a 2 peice back armor (which is longer then the one peice one). Input is always wanted so these templates can be made better. once these and the chest ones are finalized by you guys (by that, if everyone agree's they good) then i go ahead and repost the finalized copies.

Edit: these temps were to wroung and too big. redoing for your conviniance


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Templates look good, ner vode. I'll try and gather some pictures for the Rawk, but I don't quite have the inclination to start building mine just yet. I'll see what progress pops up here first. Plus I have lots of my blaster building materials at my parents' home 800km away, so I'll need to pick some of that stuff up when I go home for my reading break.
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