Fett Mods & Effects


Active Hunter
I'm sure several of you have experimented with various works of modification and man hours for visual effect between the gauntlet and jet pack and rangefinder of fett.

I am curious to hear these stories. Any neat ideas? Any success?

The concept being - for the gauntlet some sort of trajectory of smoke/flame:lol: /ect coming from his pseudo flamethrower

for the jet pack some sort of "lift off" effect?

The rangefinder.. visual integration?

Let's hear it! Or see it!

on a complete side note, anyone here know a thing or two about the aging of stormtrooper armor? I'm considering putting my stormtrooper armor on display in my basement bar, however does the ABS have a tendancy to gain an aging "yellow" like most white plastics do? The cigarette smoke would probably do a number on it? thanks again!
You know...I don't have any actual progress...but I totally had a feasable idea for the rangefinder. Now...keep in mind this would require someone with the skill to solder and know how wiring on a digital camera works.

If one were to take apart a small cheap digital camera, one with a small screen on the back that displays real-time video of what you are going to take a picture of. If you were able to separate the screen, the lens and focus control, and the main guts...you could do something really interesting.

Wire the screen into a hollow rangefinder. Run the wires from the screen down the rangefinder shaft and down the neck to the guts (located in a pouch or maybe inside the gauntlets). Then wire the lens onto the front of a guant..either flamethrower or dart gaunt. In effect, you would have a screen that would allow you to see whatever your "target" is with your guant.

The only downside would be that it would be nearly impossible to take your helmet on and off due to the wire running down your rangefinder and helmet.

Now...if someone can actually make this idea happen...I only ask that you name it after me or something...or at least give me credit figuring I don't have the know-how to actually make it. :D
JoNich said:
In effect, you would have a screen that would allow you to see whatever your "target" is with your guant.

The only downside would be that it would be nearly impossible to take your helmet on and off due to the wire running down your rangefinder and helmet.

how about 'Blue Tooth' technology or some kinda wireless interface?
i had the same idea as you JoNich, cept i was thinking of having the lens in the top of the rangefinder so when its down it would basically show what the rangefinder was pointing at. i wanted to do this awhile back but i dont really know how to solder or anything like that.
Here is my list:

Helmet - Remote control rangefinder servo.
Helmet - Rangefinder LEDs on tilt switch.
Chest - Chest lights.
Left Gauntlet - Lasers in the flamethrower tubes.
Left Gauntlet - LED on toggle switch.
Right Gauntlet - Momentary switch for JP exhaust.
Jet Pack - Smoking Thruster Exhaust.
Jet Pack - Beacon Light.

I think at some point I should expect to see Gator in his finished fett flying past me at C4 with a working jet pack, distroying buildiing walls with his working sonic beam wepons!

Truly pimped out!!!

Gator, my envous heart weaps... Metal armor, FP parts, you make me sick!


*Just Kidding* ;)
evan4218 said:
I think at some point I should expect to see Gator in his finished fett flying past me at C4 with a working jet pack, distroying buildiing walls with his working sonic beam wepons!
:lol: I'm working on that. ;)

Gator aka Pimp Fett :lol:
Gator Fett said:
Here is my list:

Helmet - Remote control rangefinder servo.
Helmet - Rangefinder LEDs on tilt switch.
Chest - Chest lights.
Left Gauntlet - Lasers in the flamethrower tubes.
Left Gauntlet - LED on toggle switch.
Right Gauntlet - Momentary switch for JP exhaust.
Jet Pack - Smoking Thruster Exhaust.
Jet Pack - Beacon Light.


What was your technique for the pack exhaust? Care to share? :love

And lasers sound pretty cool actually, how do you turn them on?pressure sensitive? switch? =)
awesome tuff gator! That work should be stickied. I've thought hard about effects that could be done to the gauntlet and jet pack, even talked it over with some friends there's just not anything I could come up that woudld be feasible. So with that in mind I salute your accomplished dedication to a better fett!
Gator's effects puts the rest of us Boba's to shame. I guess that's what we get cause he's an engineer by trade. ;)
I found a way to make the left gauntlet missle shoot...
This can be quite dangerous of you dont know what you are doing ...luckily i have had a lot of experience with such (unauthorized) things in the military...

"Everything's ok here, folks.. I'm a profes...BOOM!"8)

You are all adults and I recommend that you obey all applicable laws and safety precautions!!!!

Take a SMALL rocket engine and superglue 4 long balsa fins on it. It will fit snugly inside a copper housing (the missle body) attach the nose cone to the rocket engine. Make sure you use a cheap nose cone, not your nice one b/c you probably wont ever find it again. When in place, it will look just like a regular guantlet missle.

Wire one of your push buttons to 3 9V batteries and the rocket ignitor in series. Use a safety on/off switch to make sure that you dont ignite the rocket by accidentally bumping the button on something.

Go outdoors with fire department approval, aim skyward and let 'er rip!

I'll post pics soon.

If you decide to actually do this, be careful. I am not responsible for your actions!!
im thinking of putting a NERF rocket launcher in the jet pack and connect it to a bike brake mechanisnm attached to a gauntlet.
then, if i can figure it out, put an exhaust effect with a solution of some kind on the rocket and the jet pack
or a walkie talkie in the helmet
or built in binoculars/night vision visor, but that would be a little too much:lol:
heres a video clip of some guy with an ESB Boba with a working flamethrower.....he uses it to light a bonfire.....the video itsself is about some wierd wedding ceremony, but if you sit through maybe 3-4 min of it you'll see the flamethrower at work. Again, the vid makes no sense but at about 3:30 through you see the thing work.

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