'member when? 'member?

Hey! I am still building a Fett! By my most recent calculations, I should be done somewhere around 2052... maybe 2053.... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: GO ME!

Then your well ahead of me... why cant we complete our costumes... why??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

'member when the DPdelux FG recastings were the only decent movie sized helmets around?

'member when lucas promised never to release Starwars on DVD?

'member when Fettpride changed the face of Jango Costuming by making it "cold as Ice"?

'member when spidyfett changed the way all of us apporch paintinig our helmets?

'member when Rouge Studios made innacurate color a thing of the past?
I 'member my first costume
I 'member the crappy sweatshirt I used as a vest
I 'member the used gauntlets that were falling apart every time you touched them
I 'member the cod plate a guy gave me fro free from TDH
I 'member the combat-style work boots I was wearing
I 'member the shirt sleeve I was wearing as a neck seal hahaha
I 'member the cheap gardening gloves I was wearing
I 'member the DP95 helmet I bought and all the padding in it was a dish cloth on my forehead

Now I look back and thank God that the GML was asleep at the wheel to let that POS costume pass. hahahaha
'member when you owned an airsoft version of the British Sterling... and you sold it because you totally missed to fact you could easily convert it into an Imperial blaster rifle?

uh, "member" how stupid I was spending all my free time modding a retarded one piece clone Rubies trying very hard to make it cool, or something
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Member when there was no internet.... and the only Boba reference pics I could get were from the visual dictionary and the SW Chronicles

Man.. those were dark times…
Remember when Jango Fett and Boba Fett Cod peices were oversized and resembeld oversized diapers? It was sort of a one size fits all!

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I can't believe no one has posted this yet:

'member when Han Solo shot first? :)

I'm a noob, so I can't add to the board nostalgia, but I do:

'member when I could look at a Boba model or bucket at a store and not identify at least 10 inaccuracies in 10 seconds.

'member when my friends respected my star wars fanaticism without thinking I crossed the line over to freak. :wacko
A couple more:

'member playing this on atari 2600?:


'member waiting in line at the arcade to play this?:


For trip down memory lane here is a history of SW video games:

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'member when you used to play Star Wars in your back yard with the kids in the neighborhood, acting out the detention scene and the compactor scene?

Hmmm.... You must be a little OLDER than me, cause for me it was always the scene at the end of ESB... I'll bet we drove the neighbors CRAZY screaming "NO!!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" at the top of our prepubescent voices!!!
Perhaps everyone here knows what pretend game the Sniffer would like to partake in.
Yes my friends it involves his favorite Vixen of all! Carrie Fisher. The Sniffers Fantasy would start out by giving her the most beautiful flowers with an amazing fragerance!

Sniff on my dear Leia! Sniff on!
Perhaps everyone here knows what pretend game the Sniffer would like to partake in.
Yes my friends it involves his favorite Vixen of all! Carrie Fisher. The Sniffers Fantasy would start out by giving her the most beautiful flowers with an amazing fragerance!

Sniff on my dear Leia! Sniff on!

'member when Carrie Fisher didn't look like one of your mom's friends?


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