Jet Pack Decals Update


Well-Known Hunter
Jetpack Decals Update


I have updated the Jet Pack decals to now include the AOSW version and everyone that order the decals will be receiving a set of the AOSW decals for every set they ordered. Some folks have already received theirs.

If you have any question regarding these decals please send me a PM.



  • JetPack Decal Instructions.pdf
    418.2 KB · Views: 2,370
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Just got mine in the mail today. Thanks for the hard work and effort Alan. I really much appreciate it.
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I received an unexpected delivery in the mail yesterday. An additional set of decals for the AOSW Jet Pack. This kind of customer service goes above and beyon what is typical in the world today. :cheers

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Gator Fett said:
I received an unexpected delivery in the mail yesterday. An additional set of decals for the AOSW Jet Pack. This kind of customer service goes above and beyon what is typical in the world today. :cheers


you can say that again Gator...sure glad wizardOF is around here.
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I also received that unexpected envelope. Thanks, Alan! The quality of your work is matched only by the quality of your customer service. (y)
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Mine came in today - With extra decals for the ones that I jacked up in the painting process.
Completely unsolicited.

Alan, you are the best.
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I've been meaning to let you know I received the updated decals and very decent of you to do that!
Very professional and Thanks so much!!!
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Thank you all. I'm Glad that everyone likes the decals. I hope that everyone that has ordered the original run has by now received the additional decals. If not please let me know and I'll take care of it.

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Last Call!! I have a few sets left. Price is still the same as last time $6 US, $8 international. Once these are gone there won't be any more.

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In the first post you can down load the instructions, which shows all the decals included and where they are located on the JP.

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