Blaster ROTJ Recipe

Got my kit through today... Thanks Sidewinder!:cheers Looks great...(y) Can't wait to start putting it together... Which brings me to a question...

I read somewhere the way to attach the ring to the scope when the ring has the attach screws formed in it, about cutting the actual ring, opening the ring as it is flexible, putting in the scope and re-bond it shut? That right?

Wish I could find the thread...
Good news.

Yeah, if you cut the ring along the top of one of the side plates with a razor saw (leaves no gap) you should then be able to slip it over the scope and glue in place. I've done this cold many times on buildups with no breakages. However you could warm the part 1st in water (after cutting) and then do it - this will make resin more flexible.


Got my kit through today... Thanks Sidewinder!:cheers Looks great...(y) Can't wait to start putting it together... Which brings me to a question...

I read somewhere the way to attach the ring to the scope when the ring has the attach screws formed in it, about cutting the actual ring, opening the ring as it is flexible, putting in the scope and re-bond it shut? That right?

Wish I could find the thread...
Another build for another member. Needs final filling/assembly and then painting.


Got my ROTJ Kit in the post yesterday. Simon, it is outstanding. The cast is so clean! I have never seen such attention to detail and perfection taken over a kit and I can't wait to work on it. Thank you very much!

I'll be posting a progress thread shortly!
Hey all,

I'm currently in the middle of making new molds for my Webley parts as the old ones have about had it.
This might take a week or two.

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