Where do I get Jango Gauntlets?


Active Hunter
Like the title says.
Where can I get me a reasonably priced set of gauntlets?
They're for a custom, not Jango and theyt're gonna be modded, so I'm looking more at price than screen accuracy.

Do not buy from bloodsportstudios. Many members have had bad experiences with them, and their products are just plain :thumbsdown: . I think they're recasted too.
OK then nevermind about bloodsport. Go with ruffkin:thumbsup: My firt set was from him! Now i am working on a modified fiberglass set from ASOK:thumbsup:

Hmmm, I always got the impression that those guys you mentioned (with the exception of BSS from what i've read elsewhere) were top quality works.
I'd hate to pay for top quality work when I'm gonna butcher it for a custom.
That's why I said price over accuracy.
I'm loath to buy from BSS if he's a recaster though.

I'll PM the guys you mentioned .. just as soon as I work out who FP, and MoW are.
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Nocturne said:
I'd hate to pay for top quality work when I'm gonna butcher it for a custom.
That's why I said price over accuracy.


If you decide you want top quality try MOW or FP, otherwise stick with RT, it meets your critiera.
YeahI saw the MoW ones, but that's about three times my budget.
I'm not spending $300 on a pair of guants I'm gonna brutalize...
However I think I've found a cheap 2nd hand set.
Thanks for all your help tho guys.
I think what Bluewolf ment by saying to go with RT was that his price is far more inexpensive, not that his quality is of less calibur. RT or whatever you may have found sounds right up your alley. Goodluck Nocturne!
**DISCLAIMER** This is just my Opinion, and you know what that is worth.

I'm confused, if the perception is that RT's gauntlets are just as good as MOW or FP, why would anyone pay the price for MOW or FP's? I own a set of RT gauntlets and they remain in the box as I await to spend more money on what I hope to be a better set. Sorry if I offend anyone, but the RT gauntlets did not live up to my expectations. I would be ashamed of myself if I lead anyone else to believe RT's were just as good as MOW or FP.

Again I am sorry if I offend anyone with this statement, it is not my intention, honesty is.
I think the guys here were looking at my requirements and coming to conclusion that for my budget and needs, the RTs were better for me than a MoW or FP pair.
I took a set of RT's and modded them into Jango's (as best as I could).

dif in price also has to do with MOW's are fiberglass, and Fp's might be as well.. having a mental lapse here.. :) but as noted above they do specific Jango gauntlets. The left gaunt is easy to mod and add new flame thrower, but the left front portion is a slightly different shape.
Hopefully that made sense.
Bluewolf said:
**DISCLAIMER** This is just my Opinion, and you know what that is worth.

I'm confused, if the perception is that RT's gauntlets are just as good as MOW or FP, why would anyone pay the price for MOW or FP's? I own a set of RT gauntlets and they remain in the box as I await to spend more money on what I hope to be a better set. Sorry if I offend anyone, but the RT gauntlets did not live up to my expectations. I would be ashamed of myself if I lead anyone else to believe RT's were just as good as MOW or FP.

Again I am sorry if I offend anyone with this statement, it is not my intention, honesty is.

ok, if RT's were not any good, why would people continue to buy them? I have a set of RT's and they excellent. and have you owned a set of FP or MOW? if not how can you say that RT's work is any less calibur when you have not handled any other suppliers work?

this is my opinion on your opinion.;) no offense meant here.
I have a set of RT's gauntlets and the only thing I don't like about them is the way I connected the shells.

RT come in a completely unassembled kit form, and they are vacc'ed. MoW gauntlets come assembled, primed, and ready to paint, and they are fiberglass. That is one explanation for the price difference.

I can't say anything about FP gauntlets because I don't know too much about his work.
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