Boots - Colors?


Active Hunter
My question is what color are Boba Fett's boots?
Some pictures they look black and tan - others grey and black...
Plus, what color is the piping? Grey?
Well i always thought the side elastic was black and the piping was black, it was just faded really bad and the center was a darker grey then the rest with a white soul. There sun bleached and very weathered though.
hm, that's a problem.

no-one really knows.

just look at the reference and try to mimic that as best you can.

ofcourse you'll need to find a balance between all the ref material available as there are a bazillion pictures and all of them have different angles, lightning, time-frames (when shot) etc.
I went for a light beige and an olive drab colour scheme on my scratch builts (see pic for comparrison to MoM reference). Just to weather them a bit more.


those are some damn fine looking boots there Ronin!!! scratch built???? I'm impressed! Colors look great too;) I always thought they supposed to be grey, but maybe they are kinda tan!!!:confused
I have a pair of Doc Martins - black - that look almost perfect...
same elastic part on the sides - right shape - nice and comfy to wear...
I started painting the soles white last night and was hoping to find the right piping and colors to finish the boots over the weekend.
(all except the toe spikes - I havent started those yet)

Thanks for the link Ripcode and for all the info everyone!
The collective expertise on these boards is really a life saver when one hits a wall!
You guys rock!
Ronin677 said:
I went for a light beige and an olive drab colour scheme on my scratch builts (see pic for comparrison to MoM reference). Just to weather them a bit more.


What glue did you use to glue the flip flop to the boot??
Ripcode said:

What glue did you use to glue the flip flop to the boot??

I used JB Weld under the toe and heel and then carpet glue on the rest of the sole. Works just fine. The only thing to remember is when you cut the original sole away from your base boot, you must leave a thin layer on the boot (ie don't take it backto the leather).

Thanks for the compliments guys
No boot run in the pipeline i'm afraid guys, these suckers are a real pain in the ar$e to build :)

Anyways. SarlaccBits - I would go for a grey tan colour with a dark grey centre and black (shoe lace) piping. Then weather the hell out of them :)

Good luck girl
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