Close up helmet pictures?


Active Hunter
Hello guys. Just a small update, I have my flightsuit and gauntlets. A friend of mine talked me into doing the weathered look. Since I have the gauntlets, I'll do the weathering work to them. I'll be ordering the helmet from Marrow Sun soon. It will all be the same look pretty much, just with some weathering. So could one of you guys post a decent sized picture of a Blank white mandalorian helmet so I can do a little coloring to it?

I just need the front view, back view, and sides.




nevermind. I edited a few pictures. They're aren't perfect, yet you get the general idea of how I want it. ;)
My wife's bucket has the same colors but with a slight twist.

here is her original design. She has since then colored the front crown of the helmet green and has a design in black on the top. A little touch up and the visor and it will be finished.

What of it!!!!!:angry ;) :)

That is my daughters. I guess my wife thought it would work to hold the helmet up for the pic. I didn't even realize what it was until I had already posted.
Not really, I didn't even think about that. I guess I am happy that she didn't want to make her Mando after her fav. team since I can't stand the Broncos and she loves them.
This is Tack's wife. I'm afraid the "Care Bear" pic doesn't quite do it justice. Here's some new pics...


I'm considering outlining the design on the top in silver so that it will stand out more, but I'm not so sure. Any thoughts?
I really like the subtle look of the designs on the top of helm. I guess if you wanted to outline them, you can use a dark grayish, siler, to show that its there, but maintain its sublty. Thats my idea.

There's a slight silver metallic to the green paint, but I think the camera flash picked up more than what you can normally see. I've finished the design (I decided no silver outline on top) and clear-coated it. Just gotta tint and set the visor, and it will be time to put a big "DONE" stamp on it. Yay!!! (Anybody miss watching Monster House? Man, I loved that show...)
I like the design on the helmet as well. I'd planned on doing some type of personal design or sigil on mine also. As of yet I'm still drawing a blank on that design but I'll post it once I finish painting my helmet and chest armor...

Dha Syntir
Dha_Syntir said:
I like the design on the helmet as well. I'd planned on doing some type of personal design or sigil on mine also. As of yet I'm still drawing a blank on that design but I'll post it once I finish painting my helmet and chest armor...

Just put pencil to paper and start drawing. See what your hand and brain come up with--that's what I did!
GabrinKinoda said:
Just put pencil to paper and start drawing. See what your hand and brain come up with--that's what I did!

That right there is the best advice that you can get if you want it truly to be your custom symbol.

Look at a few online, and combine their features.
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