

Active Hunter
ok I can't find ruffkintoys is that on e bay? and whoever contacted me on ebay to tell me about TDH U ROK. I have already begun constructing2 back packs My sone has a Jango costume ( he's 4) and I have a ESB BOba fett. There are some really great Ideas about constructing stuff here Thanks but I still need guantlets , if someone outbids me on the frankinson 2 on ebay.
I'm pretty sure that Frank-in-son Part 2 has a bad rep around here. If you get outbid, it would probably be for the best. Just a minute and I'll PM you some info on good gauntlets.

By the way, awesome that you're in Iowa! What city do you live in?
Yep, very awesome!! (y)

Skirata, I PMed you the info. I've seen psberetta's Ruffkin gauntlets, and they are wicked cool! You won't be disappointed. ;)

And wise choice going ESB!
Good luck getting what is pictured. I have read some pretty bad things about this dude. I would go with everyone else...get a set of Ruffkin's. I have a set, and I love the hell outta them!
unfortunately I was too late to retract my bid. If I am dissatified I will bondo and use my airbrush to really detail out the guants sell em off and buy ruffkins. I have a Minor in art and my stuff is rather physical. But i am sure I can do something to get them up to enough quality to get some of my cash back. I did that with my sandtrooper costume and what i was sold was really crap before i did a lot of heating sculptung and painting.

Are there any 501st cons in the midwest? I know MAGE Con this year is going to have a masqurade ball ( with costume contest) and I have heard there are some Omaha 501st. Anyone know?
The biggest con the Midwest Garission is planing on attending is Wizards World in Chicago, the con is in August... don't remember the exact dates though.
There's DemiCon in Des Moines coming up at the end of July this year. I know I'll be going to that, and I should have my custom Mando done by then.
Good luck with those gauntlets. I know from their Ebay pictures, they look very nice, but when someone else got them, they were not the product pictured.
Man I am hoping this turns out. It really is the last part of my armor I need ( and can afford). If it doesn't I will be roasting the guy and demanding my money back. To be fair though IF the product is what is pictured ( which looks good) Then I won't have to do much painting to match my armor. Then it's hard to work on my 3 jet packs. Yes 3 I got a good start on my first and already a friend of mine wants me to do one ( but he wants a jet trooper) from battlefront II back pack.
Man I am hoping this turns out. It really is the last part of my armor I need ( and can afford). If it doesn't I will be roasting the guy and demanding my money back. To be fair though IF the product is what is pictured ( which looks good) Then I won't have to do much painting to match my armor. Then it's hard to work on my 3 jet packs. Yes 3 I got a good start on my first and already a friend of mine wants me to do one ( but he wants a jet trooper) from battlefront II back pack.
I have personally had a very bad experience with franknson part2..PM me for info...not to fan any flames but it is a year later and I still don't have my gauntlets or my money back
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