Blaster ROTJ Recipe

Gettin' down an' dirty with the Fett:

Rotj Paint1.JPG


fettpaint (1).JPG

fettpaint (2).JPG

fettpaint (3).JPG

fettpaint (4).JPG
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Nice and dirty - looking great...

Which begs a question... Surely to make sure that your blaster/gun would work, you make sure its clean, and all moving parts, well, move (I'm sure any soldier would agree to this)... So why is his blaster so dirty...?
Here's the template I used for my grip stuff, modified from the one that's on here somewhere but more accurate in terms of scope block placement IMO.

Sidewinder said:
Here's the template I used for my grip stuff, modified from the one that's on here somewhere but more accurate in terms of scope block placement IMO.


now - I take it that that placement is on top of the tube - so the rest of the cuts (the smaller pieces) of the grip are put on that way?
Aaargh! Now you tell me! I used the same template un-modified, so my front scope block is cut in to the fin.

And what really sucks're absolutely right. Just been going over some close-ups from the MOM exhibition and the ones from Boston. The scope block on the original prop IS between the fins. Can't believe I didn't see that before. Well spotted.

I'll have a look tomorrow and see if I can rectify it. I have spare fin material, so hopefully I can prise off the old one (it's glued with epoxy!!) and replace it, then rotate the barrel.

Nice work Sidewinder, and great castings.
Caomhanach said:
Nice and dirty - looking great...

Which begs a question... Surely to make sure that your blaster/gun would work, you make sure its clean, and all moving parts, well, move (I'm sure any soldier would agree to this)... So why is his blaster so dirty...?
Actually if it were a "real" laser blaster it would'ent have a "hammer" and also probably not have any external moving parts either. But hey, it's just a movie riiiiiight;)
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