My ESB helmet progress

Thanks again for the kind words guys, I'm glad it's finally coming together.
Still quite a ways to go on the tan layer, but here's a little progress so far I did up before work. I wasn't happy with any colours I found so I just mixed this up with some colors I had lying around. To tell the truth I can't remember what I used, but it's a lot less yellow than I usually see used, really more of a beige colour.
Crazy how the main colour goes from blue to green in the same set of photos with a little change in lighting.

I have the day off tomorrow so I'll try to finish this side and the other, and hopefully get some of the grey layer done.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
To tell the truth I can't remember what I used, but it's a lot less yellow than I usually see used, really more of a beige colour.
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Crazy how the main colour goes from blue to green in the same set of photos with a little change in lighting.

I have the day off tomorrow so I'll try to finish this side and the other, and hopefully get some of the grey layer done.

Wow amazing:eek: ....looks dead-on Bro...
and actually I do the exact same thing when it comes to the back...I think the Beige Color is more accurate too............GREAT WORK.
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Excellent color on the beige! I too have always thought the colors commonly used looked too yellow. I like to think of this color as the original material color of the helmet in that world. The siliver is more wear on top of that and the blue-green is the newest color on the back. You see this on real sports "armor" too. It kinda wears down past the paint job and the original color is sort of this dull plastic you didnt expect under the glossy white paint.

Anyway. I think both your back green and beige are wonderful. Cant wait to see this thing alongside Lee's new MR one he hasnt shown off yet! I think unless the color of his yellow/beige simply IS, without a shadow of a doubt (like he says it will be and I trust him) the right color; I will custom mix a more beige than yellow color like you have.
And thats my thought of the day.... Awesome work(y)
:) Thanks man
Here's what I got done today, had the day off so I had to get moving on this. I should have the grey and silver done soon on the backside, then comes the touchup all over, then weathering!
This helmet is going to be the new standard when its finished, but of course we are setting new standards every week here now.

If you had a helmet like this 3 years ago, you would have been arrested for breaking into the archives.

Great work JFJ, cant wait to see the weathering layer.
I did up the left earpiece over the last couple days. I painted it in layers, starting with Boxcar Red, then SP Lettering Grey, then Panzer Olive Green. Liquid mask worked like a charm. I misted it with Rust, doing it a little heavier on the bottom towards the front. Then I put some rust paint on a toothbrush and ran a toothpick across it to make some little splatters.
Now to get around to finishing the back...
That should about do it for the back, plus a few little hairline scratches and misting here and there.
Just noticed I still have to do some on the bottom left, I'll get right on it ;) Need to take a step back and see what's missing, this part's been driving me crazy.
The end is near, I should have this baby done this week!
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