New guy and his new helmet! (work in progress)

The thing I love about the Dented Helmet, is that everyone is so supportive, enthusiastic, and positive. Thanks guys. You all deserve a pat on the back...Go ahead, do it, no one's watching. :)
Thanks again guys! Really makes me think I did something right! ;)
Thanks TK4130, I knew there was an Alberta garrison, but didn't know the link, I'll have a look for sure! Not making a full Fett suit right now, in the future I'll probably break down and do one though. Do have a Scout Troop in the works, the full KS kit, so might feel the need to troop when that's done!

Have one update here, got my T visor in today, the ebay one for $10, and it is pretty nice. Really nice shading, gives the perfect ESB shadow look. Not too much needed for modification and fitting depending on the helmet too, more personal preference for sizing. I'd definitely recomend it.
got some new shots of the helmet too! Really does make a differnce looks wise, makes it seem real.





did a little change to the back piece, painted it red so it stands out more

Had to get some shots of it being worn too finally, and had a little moment I'm sure you guys are familiar with! HELL YEAH!!! I'M FREAKIN WEARIN FREAKIN BOBA FETT'S FREAKIN HELMET!!!




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travsall said:
Had to get some shots of it being worn too finally, and had a little moment I'm sure you guys are familiar with! HELL YEAH!!! I'M FREAKIN WEARIN FREAKIN BOBA FETT'S FREAKIN HELMET!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!
:lol: Yep ... I know the feeling. However, if you liked that moment, then you have to make the whole suit. There is nothing like walking around feeling like the most lethal bounty hunter in the Galaxy. The first time I put the suit on in public, was amazing. My favorite comment so far has been … “Hey Boba Fett, I love being you in Battlefront II.” 8) Good times.

Great bucket by the way. (y)

This helmet, to me, is the most aesthetically pleasing. Maybe it's me, but the yellow battle damage that's screen accurate isn't very eye pleasing to me, so the omission of that colour was a good call. It doesn't look screen accurate, but there's something undeniably Boba Fett about it. I love the paint application and choice of paint. awesome work!
Thanks again everyone!And thanks a lot Dav'sa, I really appreaciate that! Exactly what I was after, I knew if I tried to go for dead on accuracy I'd just drive myself insane with every tiny detail, so instead go for the over all look, and feel of Fett. And yeah, I've never been a huge fan of the yellow either, just never seemed right in a way. Plus, damn tough to do!
Kivas, might just do that in a bit, have my FX suit shipping out today actually, so when I get that all done up right, might be fun to take a few tours!
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