
Here is my pre-production Fett helmet. I've been working on the helmet on and off for a long time now making it REALLY clean ready for painting.
The RF stalk will be replaced when my metal one arrives and i still need to find a nice clear cast rangefinder.








Hows this for a custom Star Wars costume:




Thanks wackychimp for hosting,

After i spray paint my helmets with lots and lots of coats of gloss white paint, i leave it for a week to harden and then wet sand the paint until its really smooth, then T-cut and polish it.
Quite a lot of work, but it makes a 100% perfect finish.

Its a lot more glossy in real life than it looks in the pics.


Keith, AMAZING! Your Trooper helmet are always a treat to look at and you did quite a number on this helmet.

Oh and I have to know more about those metal ears...that is if they are indeed metal or just painted!
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I think that looks totally awesome, but since it so perfect I think you should fill in the dent (it looks out of place on such a perfect helmet)
Keith said:
After i spray paint my helmets with lots and lots of coats of gloss white paint, i leave it for a week to harden and then wet sand the paint until its really smooth, then T-cut and polish it.
Quite a lot of work, but it makes a 100% perfect finish.

Its a lot more glossy in real life than it looks in the pics.


Awsum work....looks realy sweet.....
Very awesome concept combining the Stormtrooper armor with the Fett helmet, however, I think it could look more cool if more of the Fett armor was incorporated into or onto the Stormtrooper armor, so it wasn't simply a Stormtrooper with a Fett Helmet stuck on it. Some features such as the shape of the Fett chest armor could perhaps be incorporated into the stormtrooper chest plate design, and perhaps the shoulder bells could be more Fett'ish and perhaps the cod-piece. Just ideas... to mix up the two charaters a bit more.

Maybe I could make a drawing or a comp-picture and post it here, to show what I mean... :cheers

Though, it looks wicket... and IMO soooooo much better than the Clone Trooper armor.
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The only thing I can't figure out is why a pristine bucket like that would be dented:confused . But Keith, you are the shiney helmet king!
That is truely an incredible helmet, awesome work there. Are the ear pieces machined metal as I see they are afixed with bolts, if they are thats a very cool addition indeed.

Seeing these pictures have really inspired me to get on with my pre0pro project, but since Im only modding a DP97 Im not going to attempt the superb glossy finish of this bucket. It would be like polishing a turd lol.

Update us with new pics when you've installed the metal stalk and the clear RF.
Thanks :)

I'm not keeping the helmet on the trooper mannequin, i just thought i would try it and see what it looked like.

As for the dent, i know what you mean, unless the "real" helmet had been repainted after it was dented, i can't see how a super glossy helmet could have such damage. But I'm making a replica as accurate as i can of the pre-production helmet, so the dent has to be there.

The ears are resin, spray painted in Halfords aluminium paint. Its really good paint that looks just like real aluminium.
I drilled the holes in the ears, but only half way deep, then filled the holes with resin and put bolts in the holes before the resin had set.

Keith after looking at the pictures of the pre-pro suit, (not the ones of just the stormtrooper helmet and fett helm) it looks as though the ears on the "pre-proSuit helmet" are painted white instead of the metal silver color on yours....Can anyone post a picture and examine this further?

Keith said:
Thanks :)

I'm not keeping the helmet on the trooper mannequin, i just thought i would try it and see what it looked like.

As for the dent, i know what you mean, unless the "real" helmet had been repainted after it was dented, i can't see how a super glossy helmet could have such damage. But I'm making a replica as accurate as i can of the pre-production helmet, so the dent has to be there.

The ears are resin, spray painted in Halfords aluminium paint. Its really good paint that looks just like real aluminium.
I drilled the holes in the ears, but only half way deep, then filled the holes with resin and put bolts in the holes before the resin had set.

never mind i found the picture

The left side is def white and it looks as though the right may be as well....Hard to say


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