Got A Box Today...


Active Hunter
Containing my brand new FP armor. I am still in awe. Will post progress pics. Remember, I am not mr. screen accurate, but it will work out just fine. I had to tackle the knees first, so here are the pics. I have NOT dulled them down yet.





  • knees.gif
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  • left-knee.gif
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  • right-knee.gif
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Congrats on the armor... do yourself a favor and at least paint the light yellow around the dents. You may say you're not Mr. Screen Accurate but just adding that little bit of detail will make them jump out so much more! You don't want to buy the best armor out there and not give it a little bit of a go with the details do ya?:)
i am just worried about the time I have to get it all painted, velcro'd, etc. But, I guess I can do the yellow around the dents, lol.
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