FP Armor... painting techniques for the clandestine hunter


Active Hunter
I have posted a few pics of my armor progress in a few other threads. I was asked to bring them all together and "show off" my progress. Here goes!

Here it is as it looked right out of the box.

Some primer, Testors Chrome spraypaint, and masking fluid

This is of part of it after primer, a coat of Testors chrome, the masking fluid technique and the Polly US Medium Green.

Here are the same pieces after applying the Yellow Zinc Chromate

This is a picture of a shoulder bell with the chrome and masking fluid applied. Threepio think it looks great FP!

The rest of the armor minus the butt plate is painted and ready to have the masking fluid removed. I will get some pictures of that as soon as I get more batteries for my camera!


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That looks incredible.....detail is right on!!
Do we all paint at out computer stations?? I know I do........:)
ow my... thats superb sweet armor and a superb detailed paint job... looks stunning!!! maybe some black wash or mist to dirty it up a little.

could you PM me what you paid for it?
thnx :)
I think I have been mentally blocking the knees. I have not trimmed them yet! :lol:



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R_boba_fett said:
ow my... thats superb sweet armor and a superb detailed paint job... looks stunning!!! maybe some black wash or mist to dirty it up a little.

I thought I would do the black wash after I applied the decal. That way it would look more like it weathered evenly.
Cool knees! Does the kneeplate have tabs or something to attach the side pieces?
Anyone assemble vacc'd knees before? I'm wondering how sturdy they'll be once they're put together.
No tabs. Just a really good tutorial by Fettpride. I think once they are done, they will be super strong and best of all, flexable.
Very nice and a great paint job too. Love the details.

I hope that one day i will be a proud owner of Fettpride armor as well.

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