Newbie Intro & Question


New Hunter
Hi all. My name is Kent. I've been visiting your forum for awhile now and decided it's time to join in. At this point I'm more of a Star Wars helmet collector than a full costumer. I purchased a Mystery Helmet kit over a year ago about the same time my wife and I had our first child. Needless to say I am just now finding the time to work on it again. I ordered an aluminum rangefinder mast from a fellow member and purchased some paint last weekend.

The paint I purchased is Testors Model Master Acryl colors and one bottle of Pollyscale which is also an Acrylic paint. I was going to purchase some Floquil paint colors also but realized that Floquil is an enamel paint. Here's my question. Can I paint enamel over an acrylic or vice versa or is the paint going to have some sort of bad reaction? Should I return the paint I have now and purchase all Floquil?

I have been told that when layering paint you can put water based paints(acrylic) OVER lacqer based paints (Enamel), but never the other way around.

I myself have used a lacquer based PRYMER and am in the begining stages of using Acrylic paints over it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

BTW: Great handle! And welcome aboard!
Well I dont want to start a new post just to introduce myself so I will just throw my introduction in on this post. I am new to the fine hobby of costuming and recently created my first Star Wars costume, Jedi robes. I attended C3 in my Jedi robes and saw all of the wonderfully screen acurate, "hard" costumes like stormtroopers and the Fetts. I was amazed at the detail of many of these costumes and I was intrigued to create my own. A few days ago I ordered a "Mystery" sized Boba Fett helmet and can't wait to get started on this awesome character. Have patience with me guys, because I am sure I am going to have a lot of questions! Thanks!
I'm also a newbie (I just joined today) and I also have a question. I bought a Rubies helmet off ebay (haven't gotten it yet). I've heard though other posts that it would probably be too small for somone of my size. Now, I have more elbow greese in me than money. Is it posible to make a new helmet from the rubies one? Perhaps casting a new one from it? How do you guys who make them from scratch get started?
Well...I haven't built a full-sized bucket from scratch yet, but I do have plenty of pics in my thread on how I built my kid-sized one -

If you have a large-sized head, I would probably start with a base helmet that fits comfortably. If you use a procedure similar to mine, keep trying it on throught the creation process to make sure it will fit.

Welcome a board!
Son of Knight said:
I'm also a newbie (I just joined today) and I also have a question. I bought a Rubies helmet off ebay (haven't gotten it yet). I've heard though other posts that it would probably be too small for somone of my size. Now, I have more elbow greese in me than money. Is it posible to make a new helmet from the rubies one? Perhaps casting a new one from it? How do you guys who make them from scratch get started?
Welcome to the board, all you guys. If you want to cast a helmet you would need to sculpt one. If you cast your rubies helmet you'll just end up with the same thing. Try your rubies, it might fit. It may not be proportional, but it will be better than nothing. You can save your money and get a new helmet later. If you have the skill to sculpt go fot it. There are also threads on here about scratch built helmets. Use the search feature, there is a wealth of knowledge on here.
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