Making a manequin

That thing is real???? Now thats cool!!!!!!! Ive seen them in shot gun news and on Just for a real mag ive seen them go for 400-600 bones a pop. Rifles like another 2 or 3 G's. NOT CHEEP AT ALL!!!!!!!
the pink stuff is a matress pad. (egg crate stuff)
you can get them at Wal-Mart.
I'd suggest going to Home Depot instead, & buying carpet padding.
I haven't done this yet, but I think it's more cost effective.
I have in the past made a duct tape double. You could base it off yourself, or do it based off of the "look" of a person. The Disk is only $10.00 USD, and it's a huge file. I've used them for long distance fittings, where I've had someone ducttape them in, then send me the "empty" shell, and fill it with fiberfill. It shows all your irregularities, etc.

Plus their cheap to construct. Maybe 50.00 total. Depending on the layers of ducttape used. They worked great for doing Ren Faire garb.
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