ROTJ Suit with ESB Helmet


Well-Known Hunter
Maybe I'm missing something but it looks like a lot of members have the ROTJ theme suit (multi-colored Jet Pack and redish Gauntlets, ect) but seem to have the ESB paint job on their helmet.......Is this just a preference thing?

I have a ROTJ costume and want to repaint my helmet and I'm not real sure what to do.

Personally I like the ROTJ suit and the ESB helmet.

Its the suit that was in the Special Editions of ANH and ROTJ and was also the one found in the Star Wars Visual Dictionary, many different magazine ads around the release of the Special Edition and also in the Magic of Myth exibit at the Smithsonian.
webchief said:
Its the suit that was in the Special Editions of ANH and ROTJ

ANH SE used the ROTJ helmet and suit.

Only the ROTJ SE used the ESB helmet.


ANH SE - Still 02 - Fett in Docking Bay 93.jpg

ANH SE - Behind the Scenes 01.jpg
I thought that there was an ESB helmet used on a stunt suit in ROTJ. I seem to remember a picture from Chronicles that showed the stunt Boba getting ready to jump at the sail barge with the ESB helmet. Hmmmm....
Yep, looks like it was used for some stunt shots.

(Credit to TylerDurdan)
Is that black gaffer's tape holding his right gauntlet together?
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Ever notice how they screwed up and put the ammo belt below the girth belt in the RotJ Special Edition? I always hated that. It made Fett look like he was wearing a cheerleading skirt.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
Yep, looks like it was used for some stunt shots.

(Credit to TylerDurdan)
Is that black gaffer's tape holding his right gauntlet together?

Look at that gun LOL
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