Zam Rifle at C3 and some other confirmations!!!

Zam I Am

Well-Known Hunter
Just wanted to let you guys know that it's pretty SWEET! The Lucas archive room had a very, very coolio display. I was thinking, aww, all I see is a bunch of sabers and vader stuff then, lo and behold, as I am about to exit thar she is... THE BEEAutiful rifle, just sitting there, in all it's glamour. As I look over every nook and cranny. And, as I watched the Temura Morrison interview, he described how they used wetsuit material when they were doing blue screen work. My ears perk up, and I am thinking about how 2 years later... thinking our neoprene run/concoction has gotta be the right thing for the Zam undersuit. Wow, what a catharsis and confirmation on tons of our costume interpretations.

Happy first day of C3 guys and gals!

Nice meeting Judz and Wifey, Iceheart, KimnCris!
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Yep.... and guess where I ran out of film! ;) *Yeah... I'm old fashioned and have a film camera! - erm.. after this, not for long!* Line was too dang long to go in again to try and get a pic. Hope someone else got some!

But it was absolutely beautiful! Unlike so many other props there, it looked sturdy... like it had just popped out of a real SW universe!

Didn't get to see the Temura Morrison interview though :( But it sounds like we got it right on the money for the material!

Zam rifle fettish, eh? LOL Your awesome TONS of rifle pics are justway cool. Wow, awesome shots. I am glad you did the noflash/flash ones. I wonder if the red plastic on the end of the barrel was real and they put an LED inside or did real infrared. I took a videotape of it, cause Zam I Ain't had the camera. He was all into the vader of course. I didn't get enough Zam rifle pics and didn't measure the length of the daggone thing. I feel stupid. Someone said that they used their lanyard as a estimated length. I tried to get in again on Sunday but, I had to see Leeanna in my costume. Did you all get to see Bad girls of SW interview? It was awesome! I got to ask Leanna a question on stage. And, there is a Trisha Biggar book that was advertized at C3 of how costumes were made and I saw Zam's costume in the ad. Unfortunately, it ball parks around $300.00
yeah it would have been nice to have our rifle there to compare, but I'm pretty certain I got the length about right since I scaled the length based on the lockplate on the side.

The red thing looked like an LED to me but I didn't get to linger. I didn't even get a shot of the whole thing since the room was so crowded! I mainly was interested in the mystery part on the side (could ya tell?)

We missed the Bad Girls due to going to the costume caberet. :facepalm

and Kim already sent in an email to get on the list for that book! Hopefully we will hear back from them- there is a less expensive version, but it does not have fabric samples and has fewer pics...

I couldn't even get IN the archieve room at C3. The lines were always long, and when I finally had a chance to go on Sunday, they closed the room before the con was over.
Thanks for sharing all those great pics Kimncris!

Actually, I'm surprised one of us didn't try to erm... borrow it for a while! ;)
Zam I Am said:
And, there is a Trisha Biggar book that was advertized at C3 of how costumes were made and I saw Zam's costume in the ad. Unfortunately, it ball parks around $300.00
Well hell, I just put $200 into the material IIRC, so $300 for a complete Zam outfit? That's not bad. Did it look decent?

I want a Zam costume dammit! :lol:
It's $300 just for the book of pictures!

I ended up going back into the archive room 3 times and I realize now that I still did not get a picture of everything :facepalm Oh well- hopefully Dallas got some angles that I missed!

It's wha!?!?!? :eek: :eek:


Oh my... wow. I hope people are allowed to peruse the book before buying. Eeesh!
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There is a cheaper "Trade Edition" that is $50.00 - it has about 300 pictures. Since the Zam costume was used in the ads, I would assume that it will be in both editions! The Limited edition ($295.00) has 500 pictures and illustrations and includes fabric swatches from some of the material used. Neither is available until October 2005!
It was great fun to meet Yvonne and see her costume in person (FINALLY!) as well as to see Moncal and Kathy after their awesome costume contest victory!

When I wore my Zam on Thursday, some guy kept asking me if I was Julie - hope he found her eventually. I did see a few other Zams over the weekend, but I don't think they were anyone from here (one very dark purple and one with a metal construction helmet). They were nice and all but I thought the work of ZIA and MonCal took the cake :thumbsup: (of course, I could be biased :D )

Leanna was so nice and purty! :love She was on our flight on the way home as were Temeura, Rena Owen, and the guy who plays Kit Fisto (I suspect his brother was there too although I don't know what he looks like). Temeura was the only one in first class. I don't know who the lucky SOB was that got to sit by Leanna but it is probably a good thing it wasn't me so she didn't have 4 hours of obsessive fangirl costume questioning!

NOW you should all come to Comic-Con!

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LOL ! I found JULIE!!! Some guy on our FRS channel kept on asking for her too. It was the FUNNIEST thing. She is Iceheart on these here boards... she actually got a pic with me and Jay Lagalia in his ep 3 outfit on Sunday at the 501st shoot! EMAIL ME PLEASE!!! She's got a Zam with lotsa MB parts. I am so happy that we finnally I got to meet yous too And, your little stuffed Zammer friend :) Thanks for your compliment. I was happy to see Kathy in costume, too bad it wasn't up close.They were too tired and scared of the rain ruining the leather for the Sunday pic. :( I also saw Judz Dwedd's wifey's costume. It was great, all of my Old Line Garrison friends kept on pointing to every Zam there was, so I wouldn't miss any of yall. I really wanted us to get a group Zam shot. There were so many highlights, meeting the zammin TDH'ers-Maulmaus, DarkTrooper, DCB, The Wookie and other TDHer's and other people who just "knew" me-- Like people knew me out of costume, it was amazing..."Are you Zam I Am?", pics with Leeanna, and the interview I got with her at the "Bad Girls of Starwars," Zam rifle, me in my brown pregger amidala outfit (which I made in 1 week) and it being in the LFL archive, and my hubby being the best supportive husband -- I forgot so many things like a pregnant lunatic ;) I am trying my darndest to put my pics up. But, daggummit, BOTH of my videocams won't work, and I digi taped all of Zam rifle onto the sony digitapes! My hubby only got 2 shots of the rifle with our digicam!
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Free meat? 3 pictures worth lol. did everyone have an awesome costume or what, to bad I couldnt make it, looks like fun.
Damned I so missed out on a lot I wanted to do. My biggest regert is not getting to meet Leeana as I am shure she is a sweetheart and my friends who went understand my obsession I have with her though dallas has me so beat in that catagory.

cal196 said:
Free meat? 3 pictures worth lol. did everyone have an awesome costume or what, to bad I couldnt make it, looks like fun.

That was in our elevator at the hotel!!

It was so strange and gross that we HAD to get a picture of it...but the lighting in there just stunk.

Wow! Awesome find ZIA!!!! *hugs* Gotta order that one! :)

That's a net gain of $109 - more to put into the Zam! Thanks for the link!
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