CIII Pictures and Highlights

These are the only two (non TDH though) I put up last night due to me being super tired. Both were just as I was skimming through one folder of some images as they were copying to my computer. I will start the process of getting the photos organized and posting some TDH ones tonight if I can.

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This is a quick first render of the group at the capitol steps. You all are the first to see it ;-) It needs some work as the troopers moved in between shots unfortunatly, so I have to do some adjustments... but good enough to post as it looks right now:
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Here are a couple pics from the con. It was a trial in itself making it there after a 42 hour trip due to flight delays and cancellations. To top it all off when I finally made it home yesterday the airline LOST MY LUGGAGE! AUGH!

Lord Vader.....RRRRIIIIIIISSSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!:lol: :lol: You had to have been there!







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slave1driver said:
I heard about these pics on the morning "bob and tom" radio show today. They were tooling on this guy because he was more excited about his picture with yoda than the picture with Leia. Anyone recognize the Fett?

That's me ! woo hoo ! I could tell by the bottom paint of my left chest piece missing (that's where the tape lifted during fitting)

Delta 9- my pleasure bud ! The kids of CIII are the best part of the con...

OY ! just got back myself. Taking some time to recoup and get my energy back before I post my full review. All together, as Goat said, it was the PEOPLE that made it for me and I never realized just HOW cool the TDH people are seriously awesome to party with !!
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Good times, little sleep. No pics from me as my camera is fried, but I will re-live the weekend through everyone else's pics.
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That was great fun. I was really glad to meet a lot of you: Chris, Oz, Mirax, Arturo, Shunned, Zam I am, Zam I aint...I wish I could remember all your names and handles. It was a total blast. Out of abut 165 or so pictures here are a few:









My pics:

The Embassy happy hour group is simply the best group of people ever. You all rock.

Kristen - thanks for everything roomie. I'll never look at vet tape the same again.

Art - nice to see you in our room.

TK409 - Thank you for standing in line at the store for us. You are a great man. (y)

Marrow Sun - you are so sweet. Thank you for the kind note. I kept it for my scrapbook. You know, you look a lot better with my contacts in. ;)

Graeme - Thanks for the awsome costume hunny.
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Just got home. I didn't bring my camera, so I'll be scouring everyone else's galleries for good photos. I had such a great time. I'm too tired to post all my favourite parts, but I have to say most of the fun I had was outside the con, or just hanging out with you guys in the con not attending panels ;)

Eddie and Andy, thanks for reminding me I'll never become too old to run around the hallways of the Embassy shooting people with rubber guns!

And you're welcome Cherie, you wore it great :)
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Other than Thursday when i spent the entire day in line for the store i had a great time. It was the first time i had got to wear my fett outfit to an event other than haloween with the kids. It was nice seeing alot of you again and meeting some new people i can finally put a face to instead of a screen name. The 501st party was alot of fun too. I talked to Rena Owen and Jessie jenson and his girlfriend for quite awhile, Sandi was one wild chick too. Jessie even asked me to come by his auto booth the next day so he could get a pic of me in my fett outfit for himself. I got a few pics of me and the Grievous guy. He said he made it out of abs and hydrolics. He said it took him 5 straight weeks to complete. I was kinda bummed i didn't get in the TDH pic but i couldn't find where everyone went to get the pic taken. After seeing some of the other Boba costumes i see i definately need to upgrade some of my stuff but it was a great learning experience wearing it as much and as long as i did all weekend.
here are a few of my pics
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What is wrong with this picture?
P.S. I WILL get you back Graeme!

Homo Jar Jar.jpg
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Skalen, those are great pics! I think you are the only one that I know of (other than people in my garrison) that has pics of me in my preggers outfit. I was totally "testing out" the popularity of costuming. Hardly anyone asked me for a pic of me in my padme. But, when it came to Zam - shew! I was glad I only wore it on Sunday. Me being pregnant and wearing it on Friday or Saturday, would have given me baby/complications! Then again, I can see and I guess others can see the difference amour makes, I made that padme outfit using research and sewing it all by myself in one week. Whereas, what, it took on/off 2 1/2 years for the Zam?
LOL I think it's hilarious that my baby-belly is totally popping outta the Zam pic above. Skalen~You are too cool Thanks for taking the pics sharing them and meeting you!
Zam I Am said:
Skalen, those are great pics! I think you are the only one that I know of (other than people in my garrison) that has pics of me in my preggers outfit. I was totally "testing out" the popularity of costuming. Hardly anyone asked me for a pic of me in my padme. But, when it came to Zam - shew! I was glad I only wore it on Sunday. Me being pregnant and wearing it on Friday or Saturday, would have given me baby/complications!

What a Blessing..Congrats!!:)
Just got home and haven't uploaded many pics yet, but here is my favorite so far. (No, it's not me....)

BTW, I had a blast meeting you Bigaboy, Iycis, Evil Benius, Geo, and WebChief. You guys are definitely the coolest, nicest, funniest people I've met in a long time. Hope we can all do it again sometime.

This is the attrocity that is Slave Shipley...

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