SE Boba Fett build


Active Hunter
Hello, Ive been lurking around the forum for a while now, looking and learning as I went, so I think its time to actually contribute something back. Ive been toying with the idea of joining the 501st uk garrison for a while as looking at CTN inspired me to do a clone, but then I found this forum and had to do a fett. Now this isnt my first project so I knew what costs would be like but even so it still took me by suprise, along with the all the small details and extras. Looking at the different versions of boba, ive decided to go with the special edition fett, title kind of gives it away lol. Now im only 17 and in the UK where jobs are kind of hard to come by at the moment and im still in full time education, so money for this project is kinda thin and I will be picking up bits and bobs as I go along, so lets show you what ive got.

Now I will be using and upgrading to better parts later, but a sale for some cheap armour came up that I thought I could fix and improve. Many thanks here to Artek for the ecellent service he gave to me, cheers:cheers. The armour is made out of styrene I think, ive never used it before so dont really now, but i will be fiberglassing the backs as i like my armour to feel like.......well armour. There is a bit of damage but nothing a bit of filler and some elbow grease will slove.



Next is my gauntlets, I did something naughty here and bought of ebay and sort of got stung, but for the price I paid there pretty good and are a decent base to work off. These are what im working on at the moment so here are the pics,

This is how the gauntlets arrived, loads of flashing and excess waste that needed to be trimmed off. There fiberglass layered and are pretty strong, but there are alot of bubbles, the extra peices are also pretty good, although the wrist rocket is warped and unuable so thats the only problem I have at the moment.



I'll skip a few steps of me triming and dremelling away. I got the gauntlets all cut and trimmed and started to measure them for my arm.


Once I got them all cut and measured ready, i put them together to find..........warpage:cry Thats what you get for goin cheap.


Out comes the filler. The top section is almost perfect, its the lower section that is warped. I put some tape of the good seam, and lined up the gauntlets, i then smeared a generous helping of body filler to level out the join. Also when sanding down the underside gauntlet, I found multiple low spots that also needed to be filled.



After a good hour of sanding, checking, more filler followed by more sanding. I got them to a decent enough state. I fixed all the pieces together to get an overall feel of the gauntlet, eventhough the rocket is on I will not be using it.



So those two pictures are about 2 days work, and theres still loads more to do on them. So thats were I am at the moment and should have some more progress to show tommorow. Any advice or comments would be much appreciated as im very new to boba.
Cheers for looking,
Hey guys, i got some more work on the left gauntlet to day that im pretty happy with. Its still not finished as I have some small spots to fill in and it needs some more fine sanding to get them perfectly smooth. Now these pics the piece is only held together with masking tape so things arnt perfectly level.




I think ive done a pretty good job cleaning them up and I dont think there that bad, certanly for £40. What I had trouble with most was the laser unit (Think thats what it is, I am new to all this), I couldnt get the piece to line up correctly, and once i did there was the trouble of attatching it.
I deceided to simple screw the piece in, counter sinking the screw inside to allow the two barrels to attatch.



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I had some of those very same gauntlets off ebay from a guy in the UK. Mine came just the same way but with alot of hard work theyturned out great. Yours will too. You already have a very good start, keep it up
Thanks for the complimets guys, I havant had really much time to work on these. Any way not really much to show and to save this topic from dying I thought i'd post this. Not really much to show as im bogged down with all A level courswork but ive managed to get a little work done that Im pleased to show you.

So i gave the gauntlets a quick spray of primer and overall they looked good, not perfect but good. The next day though I found hundreds of tiny holes that were in the fiberglass, so i had to fill every single on by smothering the entire piece with filler.


So now after about an hour maybe two, I got it all sanded smooth, wet sanded it all and then went out and bought some automotive filler primer. And i gotta say money well spent now, the gauntlets are perfect ( minus one little thing) the paint has filled all the holes and left me with one smooth looking gauntlet, albeit just the top half but a finished top half.



And for size comparasion, here I am trying it on ( Am I the only one who cant wait to try their stuff on?)


The only problem I have with the gauntlet is the compad, ive fixed it up the best I could but resulted in me sanding the numbers and icons out, but I can easily cut it out and replace with a resin copy at a later date. So thats pretty much it, hopefully i can get the bottom half finished soon then gorra hinge them together. Any ways cheers for looking,
hey guys, havant had much time on this project this last week due to exams and deadlines, but ive managed to get some work done. As ive said the rocket on the gauntlet was an usable cast, and I was also having alot of trouble trying to mount the flame barrels into the unit. So i decided to buy some items off a member from my local garrison, and am really happy with what I got. (dont know if your on here or not but cheers Nathan:thumbsup:)

The stuff i ordered was a rocket, vacform flame unit, the barrels and switches. Ive also order a new dental expander and key pad off the bay but it hasnt arrived yet.


I did some work on the lower part of the gauntlet, adding filler then sanding it all off. But after a coat of primer, much like the other peice, little holes started to show.


So after smothering the gauntlet in more filler, then painfully sanding it all off, wet sanding and then a coat of primer, there finished( minus a little hole here and there that needs sorting)


I then went back to the awsome stuff I got off nathan, and wet sanded all of the resin pieces (not that they needed to as they arrived pretty much ready for paint) And gave them a coat of primer and a test fit on my gauntlet.



So the gauntlet is now almost finished, the flame unit just need assembling and is ready for paint and I need to attatch the buttons, screws and hinges and then onto the next one:p A long process but im getting closer to my first finished fett part.
Hello guys,
Got some small work to show you ll that im pretty pleased with. After all the sanding and filling that I did n the gauntlet, I decided to try hand at a bit of painting. I had ordered a new data board and dental expander for the gauntlet so decided to have a go at that, just to see if I could paint

The data pad was a decent cast, so after a coat of primer and a spray of silver, I started to add weathering with inks and water colours. I wanted to go with a grimey weathered version, the pictures make it look alot darker than what it is but im happy with it for a first effort. Also the dental expander is an upgraded piece and is not stuck down yet.



After I painted the pad I got the painting bug and had to find something else to paint, and the flamer barrels came to hand. I sprayed them grey then dry brushed them with silver acrylic, i then used browns and yellows to create weathering and a rusting effect on them.



I have also started to work on the shoulders, having them primered up and also started on the second gauntlet


I got everything now pretty much assembled and fixed with the left gauntlet, i just need to drill the holes for the switches and the red light, then assemble them.


Ive also just got myself a really good bargan off ebay, winning some cod and butt armour along with some shin tools, unfortunatley though from a member off here who had to sell up, so if you see this on here thank you. Thats it untill I get my parts this week, what do you think of my first paint job:p
Nice work Lewis. They need a lot of work to get looking anything like, but your hard work is paying off. Shame that the guys peddles such bad parts though.
Wow, spideyfett and bfuk, thanks for the compliments and gracing my thread lol:p
Cheers for the compliments guys.
Not really an update on any work but the stuff that I have ordered has arrived.
I got a great deal on the cod and butt armour, looks amazing in person and is fierglass and feels great. The paint job is superb, but sadly is not accurate to the SE so im thinking I will have to change it. The guy I bought these off said he got them off here, any one recognise them or the paintjob, same with the shin tools??



Also got the shin tools, again these are much better than expected. The seller said they were resin but they seem like wood. Whatever they are they look the part. I really dont know if theres a difference between the esb and rotj shin tools, can the more experianced fetts here help out??



So thats pretty much it, if you could help me out with the paint problem and shin tools it would be much appreciated. Off to get some more cutting disks for my dremmel so I can start trimming up the secound gauntlet, yay fun :|
Got a bit of an update here, I decided the otherday to go out and buy myself an airbrush. Only a very basic starter one, nothing special as I just wanted to see if I could actually use one, along with a selection of paints and thinners. Now I decided to paint up the flame unit, something small and easy to fix if it all went pare shaped. And sadly it did, look at it, the paint just would not stick and its all peeled off, lucky enough though in the same spots as the original :wink:




I am so happy with myself, i thought that for a first time using an airbrush it came out really well. There are a few spots that are not the best, but i can fix it with weathering. Ive still got to add inks and some pastels then a clear coat but I just really wanted to show you guys lol. What do you think for a novice??
Looking great love the progress on this. One thing that I have learned is that the silver layer can be a bit of a pain and other colors especially acrylics have a hard time sticking to it. So best rule is it put down a clear coat or a dullcote between the silver and the next color to give the paint something to grab onto.
hey guys, got some piccies to show you all, alot of piccies, and I kinda need some advice aswell :oops:
Orite so the other day I began to assemble the gauntlet, so this is what it looked like last night, along with how it looks currently, really happy with how it turned out.



Now that It was all dried I put down a layer of silver, Jango anyone :confused:


Then I began the masking and painting the red, which I feel turned out pretty good. Bare in mind the paint is gloss so needs a matt finish before it will look the same as the flame unit. It still has little bits of masking fluid that I need to wipe off, so forgive the little bumps you can see.




Now for the questions, Do you thing the red is to light, I know it needs a clear coat but im worried it wont help to much. Also do you think ive overdone the silver on the inner part of the gauntlet. I used referance images to get similar damages as the oringinal but I couldnt find a good shot of the inner side so just improvised. Comments and crit really welcome, what do you guys think?
I think the red looks pretty darn good. Once you get some weathering and the clear coat in there it will darken it up a little (at least that's what happened to mine). Don't forget to get out a good sharp knife and give it some scratches, it really adds to it, but don't over do it. Keep it up, its looking great!
So ive been doin some work on the gauntlet as usual. So I decided to cut a part of the flamer unit up, although they were already fantastic, the barrells didint seem long enough. So with a little cutting and trimming hey presto....


Anyways, I added a clear coat the other day and i almost ruined the gauntlet with it as the clear coat left all white spots and blemeshis on the piece. So I masked up all the silver damage again, and resprayed the piece again, this time though I feel the colour looks alot better. I also added the scortch marks and some dirt and grime to almost finish the gauntlet. What do you think :confused




As you can probably see the rocket is in the background with a black coat of paint on it, so that will be the next thing to do. Now do you guys think of the paintjob, bare in mind its my first attempt with an airbrush.
Got some more work to show today, what better to do on study leave :P
I was going to try and screw on the actual flame unit, but seeing how strong this glue is I have, i decided to use that. So out came the clamps, this is currently curing as the glue takes about 16 hours to dry so I dont know if its strong enough till tommorow.


The tissue paper is there to protect the paintwork from the clamp, although I dont see why as there all ready scratched and chipped :wink:


All of the referance pics im using im getting off the TDH and the gallery is down, so I kinda guessed how low down to put it, but I remember that its lower at the back than the front.

I also started up on the rocket, using the masking method and rattle can instead of airbrush, again I kinda guessed the damage but I think it looks about right. Just got to paint the front part copper/gold then weather it then glue it on.




Other than the little red LED that ive got to add plus the magnets to close the piece, I think im finished with this one. Any constriv crit would be much appreciated as im new to all this. Kinda excited aswell as I should be purchasing another item for my fett on monday 8)
Cheers retro:lol:
Well good news, the glue finally set and has held the flame unit pretty well. So almost close to a finished piece, just need to pop down to maplins for a red LED. I was thinking of using the rocket switch as a way of activating the range finder, as I know you can get a remote set up with servos and think that would be a good idea. Any way glued on flame unit :D


Ive also started on the locking method on them. I found some old magnetic cuboard locks, that when dissasembleb gives you two small usable magnets. Glued then into the gauntlet and they take up no room what so ever and are pretty strong so im happy



And ive just gotten the next gauntlet out of the shed and boy o boy, my heart sank a little. After seeing this compared to my finished one you can clearly see the amount of work ive put in and am really not looking forward to doin it again. Plus I now need more blades for my dremel, and was even more shocked at the price of them, stupid B&Q :evil:


So now with this gauntlet im not goin to post as much on as I gather your all getting fed up of seeing the things :confused So im goin to do what I can on them and post when there near enough done. But I will have an update soon as ive got a little item coming this week for my fett, supper excited lol.
Cheers for looking,
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