Jango Wes

Well-Known Hunter
JW boot run: MAJOR UPDATE 10 DEC; see 1st post

Ok, the boot guy called today. All the materials are at the vendors' warehouses. He is going to do a sample pair to get the labor and material cost nailed down per pair, then he'll have the final price per pair, including price breaks for amount ordered. I will have the price in the next couple of days. Stay tuned.



Ok, I know there are some that have put down that they are interested but were not added to the list. Don't be offended, like I said earlier, it's just sheer laziness on my part for not updating the list.

Now, on to the pricing. Ballpark price is $230 per pair, shipped. This could go down, but it won't go up. This is taking into account people dropping off the list (quantity goes down, price goes up), Paypal fees and shipping costs. This also takes into account that we can't get a truly accurate price until we know how many are committed since that determines the amount of materials needed to produce the run which directly affects the price per pair.

I AM NOT ASKING FOR MONEY AT THIS TIME. What I am looking for is an accurate number of folks who are committed. Once I have that, I can lock in a concrete price per pair. Once we have a price, and we are ready to proceed with the run, I will ask for half down to pay for the materials, then the remaining balance due when the boots are finished.

And like last time, it doesn't matter who's first to pay. If you are the first to pay, that doesn't guarantee you will be the first to get your boots. They make these in bunches, and I send the boots out as I get them in. They can send me a box of size 9, then a box of 10 and 11 later. However, if you are the first size 9 to pay, you will be the first size 9 shipped out. I hope that makes sense.

I know some of you will be put off by the price and say that you can get them cheaper or make them cheaper yourself. By all means do it. These are not cheaply made, assembly line products.

Lastly, I know many people have been burned by sellers here. Rest assured, that won't happen with me. If anyone remembers the fiasco from the first run, I took leave to drive out to Arizona and paid out of my own pocket to set things right. I won't pull a reinone.


UPDATE: 16 JUNE See below. List updated


UPDATE: 11 April
I'll be meeting up with batninja to next weekend to pick up his boots so I can send them to the boot guy. I'll call him next week to see if I can pigeonhole him into a ballpark price per pair. I'll update after I talk to him next week.

Ok peeps,

Although I've retired from the boot making, I've had a multitude of people contact me regarding my boots. After talking it over with my conscience aka Batninja, we've come to several conclusions. Seeing as how CA no longer produces them (which was the main reason I stopped), reinone is a flake and stole everyones money and there are no more viable sources for boots, he's convinced me to at least see about interest.

Here's the fine print:
1. There has to be substantial interest for me to do this since my boot guy is in Arizona and I am not.

2. I do not know what the price would be.

3. There is no guarantee the boot guy still even has the mold/bucks for the boots. I haven't talked to him. At worst, I would have to send him a pair from my old run.

4. I do not know what the price would be.

5. Like last time, the boots would only be whole sizes

6. I do not know what the price would be.

7. This is an interest thread only. No commitments, no money.

8. I do not know what the price would be. I've said this many times so that people understand this fact. However, I'm sure someone will ask anyway.

There are many people on this board who have my boots. If you have pics, please post them.



Galactic Bounty Hunter
little tk boy
fett fanatic
slab fett
yoda killer1138
darth voorhees
saint nasty
stormtrooper guy
hippo clone
RP McMurphy
Mojo Fett
405 Marce
Hoju Fett
oddball fett
the hunter of the bounties
cisco tiger
mr bungle
jango's kid
Web "the best looking TDH mod ever to sit upon a fake dewback" chief
boo boo fett
girl with the freaky cool long name aka nah'ima tifett
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Ok, how can I say this, Hmmmm, I'm Down! I'm Down! I'm Down! for a pair! :thumbsup: I sure hope this comes to fruition!


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I have an interest pending on price! Someone who has his boots, could you post a pic? I'm very curious! :)

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Batninja has a pair from my second run. Post #168.


Here's the thread from the first run:

Here's the thread from my second run:

For those that state price is a deciding factor, the last run was around $150. However, that was like 6 years ago. If I absolutely HAD to put a price range on the, I'd say $150-200-ish. Again, I have no idea.

But for those that don't know, these boots aren't cheap. By that I mean the way they are made nor price. The boot maker has made boots for several Hollywood movies and produces only quality footwear.

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I couldn't find any pics on those older posts, but if these are good quality Boba boots, I'm in. It's worth the price for good footwear. Thanks JW.
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Other than a few minor details, this is the last item I need to complete my suit.

I'm IN!!! :D
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I just bought a pair of boots, but would not mind a second pair. Like everyone else said I'm in depending on price.
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I own a pair of these. I have owned CAboots and Cheng boots and Jango Wes boots all at once, and being able to compare them all directly, Jango Wes are bar none far superior in construction, materials, and accuracy in design. These are the very best Boba Fett boot replicas ever made available in my opinion. CAboots, especially, are bantha poodoo compared to JW boots. No doubt about it.
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