Cheap pistol idea

Demagol Aran

New Hunter
Hi everybody!!!

While making armor the other day with my buddy, A'den, I realized that I was a bit short in the weapons department...meaning none. I proceeded to think of how to remedy said problem. The next day, while playing my Wii, I devised a solution!! (Choir in the backround and shiny lights blaring)

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

AN NES LIGHT ZAPPER!!!! :thumbsup: Yes, just an old accessory to an even older system that had not been used by anyone for over twenty years!

If you don't have an NES Zapper laying in a back closet collecting dust, fear not! There is a wonderful store called Play'N'Trade that specializes in retro gaming system merchandise. The Zapper is only $4.99!!! A cheap way to complete an empty holster.

Here are some pics of my process of morphing this child's toy into a weapon fit for a warrior!

1. The original gun...

2. Parts removal...



PS sorry about the color change. A'den took the wrong picture for me. :angry:lol: But I suppose I'll let him live another day...

Anyways...part 3: trigger removal...


4. A'den's colors...

5. Battle worthy!!!

6. Original product VS finished...

I will post pictures of mine a little later on. Until then... do what you will.

Demagol out...
I saw that in A'den's pic's of his almost complete custom, it's different than all those Nerf things... Okay I'm Nurfin' it too.
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