Am i ready???


New Hunter
Hello everyone, ive been working on a Jango helmet for my costume but decided to go the cheap way with a Rubies helmet, did a bit of modification and was happy with it until i saw all of your helmets. Now i want to get a bigger better helmet, but i need your opinion. do you guys think im ready to take on a full size helmet? all comments welcome...good or bad. here are some pics. by the way im a first time builder.
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Very nice job! The only suggestion would be to keep the weathering along the seams and corners, but not on the upper cheeks. Nice job. :thumbsup:
Very nice job! The only suggestion would be to keep the weathering along the seams and corners, but not on the upper cheeks. Nice job. :thumbsup:

I agree with MandalorFett about the weathering, and if you repainted all that yourself you are deffinitly ready for a full scale helmet. Good luck and keep us posted on the progress. Nice Job :thumbsup:
i think i was a little too excited to get started that i totally forgot about that. but i think im gonna sand it off and put a blast mark there so i dont have to repaint the whole thing.
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