WOF Template: Side/Utility pouches


Active Hunter
Once again WOF's templates came through for me. Thanks! They only took a couple of hours, including distractions, to sew. Sometimes I get side tracked easily.

Utility pouches 001cropped.JPG

Utility pouches 003cropped.JPG

Utility pouches 004cropped.jpg
Very Nice Job!! How did you weather them? They look like they have a lot of duty time.

Real very nice stuff!



First I lifted the flaps and sprayed a little under them first so they weren't perfectly clean underneath and then I closed them and sprayed it a little heavier on the outside. I used a spray bottle with very thin, black, water-based acrylic paint and just sprayed them, varying the distance of the bottle from the fabric, untill I thgought they looked dirty enough. Then I thought they still looked a little too light so I finished off the bottle of tan dye I used for my cape to darken them up a bit.


I forgot to mention earlier, and if anyone is wondering... I used the same duck cloth material that I used for the cape.
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