Costume Parts


New Hunter
I have a problem, I have very little sewing experience, and no sewing machine. I found a site that is called They seem to be based in London. Is it a reliable and safe site. They advertise that I can get just the Jango Flight Suits. They show that you can get all the parts. If anyone has any info on this site, I would greatly appreciate it.
STOP do not even try and do such a thing...SFP is junk they rip people off they recast and just plain not good to do buisness with

glad u made it over here...the Jango forum is where u wanna start out here being your doing a Jango. As i said hit up ladysewforus she builds them to order if you don't want to put one together...and just start reading threads and searching flightsuit
Avoid SFP like bubonic plague! I bought some of their stuff back in 2004, having done no research and man did I get burned. Do not buy anything from that guy.
can we make the old SFP threads stickied? Seems every other week someone is asking about them, woul dbe easier just to have a general Stay Away from SFP sticky thread. I'd even be willing to write it with photos if it could be a sticky warning sign.
Actually a thread like that with stay away from and list places like that...Ebay in general is bad unless you know what to look for its bad for costuming stuff
Welcome to TDh Presto! Now... this is where you wanna be for Jango stuff. There are plenty of people that are willing to help out as much as they can! Hit the Jango thread for sure! That's where you should find everything you need. Although, it's not like a store and things are just available... it will take some time to put things together. Most people on here have taken well over a year to get their Fett up and going. Sometimes even longer. So if you want it to look right... it may take some time.

oH.. and on a side note. Just so you know... a Fett costume is never complete. You'll always find something to upgrade!! ;)
Thanks sooo much for the advice. I need to try and find someone here in Central Florida that can help me with the Flight suit and Vest. I would like to start with the Helmet. Does anyone know where I can get one? If not, is there anyone that can show me how to make it in Central FL?
This thread is more than 14 years old.

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