CC knee armor run for February-March

Dark Side

Active Hunter

The price for the CC knee kit trimmed with the darts is 135 euro + shipping.
They are not buffed...

Knee list (5 slots)

1- Vultana - 20 euro shipping - TOTAL 155 euro - SHIPPED - RA566741426IT (04/22)
2- zxwing - 20 euro shipping - TOTAL 155 euro - SHIPPED - RA566741315IT (04/22)


You can pay on my PP address :

Time to produce them is around 30\40 days

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I checked and I do already have a set of the knee darts from a bulk purchase I made in the Cargo Hold, so I only need the CC knee kit.

Nothing major on that part. I just glide it it and line it up. Then Ca glued from the inside. Once the glue has set, then I added some E-6000 glue for added support. But I could take a picture if you like.
I was just curious since I have a set of metal knee darts that seems to attach by a thumb screw in the base. Thye look just like these, but I cannot verify if they are so I am not sure if I need to order both or not.
Ok, I can do that tonight and please PM me your info so I can pay for a set of these gorgeous knees!

Just one more way I want to be like SEEKER

Here is the picture of the ones I have, I notice they do not have a flat side on them like your do so I will just be ordering the full kit from you. Paypal is on the way as soon as I get your paypal address.

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