Credible Website

i have been here since March, and have heard nothing but disaster from those guys...just hear say, but i have never heard anyone say anything good about their stuff...if you want quality, accurate, durable stuff, then this is the place to get it...keep an eye out in the cargo hold, and look for vendors here that make different items...this is a bad time of year to be ordering items here, being so close to halloween and all, but you can find lots of people wanting to help you out and make you quality items...hope that helps...steer clear of them, in my opinion...:thumbsup:
Thanks for the help. I didn't want to get involved with a website like that until I got some information about them. I'll take your word for it.

I don't have a time constraint before Halloween, I'm looking to get a Fett costume together around Christmas. Do you have any suggestions on where I could get a completed outfit? Unfortunately I don't have much free time to do any painting or work on it.
Getting it done by Christmas and not wanting to paint it or have free time to work on it means you will need serious funds. There really is no way to get something of even decent quality together -- in relatively short order -- without cash to spend.

I would watch The Cargo Hold and act quickly on anything you see you might want -- things go fast! You can also try the following websites for more ready made stuff and ask the vendors about timing and costs: -- Daz makes just about everything and quality is unquestioned. He also offers fully painted pieces, but that doesn't come cheap and it may take two months or more to get it, so you'd need to act soon. -- Jeff also makes great stuff -- metal armor, gauntlets, etc -- and offers them fully painted too. He also posts prices on his site so it's easy to see what everything costs and he's also just a nice guy to deal with. -- a FANTASTIC place for soft goods - jumpsuits, vest, spats, pouches, etc.

You can surf eBay, but you do so at your own risk. Lots of stuff there is Monet -- looks good from a distance but like **** up close. People here put items there from time to time and there are a couple of sellers I've heard are decent like cucblack, but you are better off finding stuff here. You can always solicit painting and assembly services from any of the many able bodied artisans on the site.

Good luck!
Thanks for the sites. This is exactly what I was looking for. I've seen bobamakers website and I really like his quality but I didn't know if he offered a final, painted piece.
Getting it done by Christmas and not wanting to paint it or have free time to work on it means you will need serious funds. There really is no way to get something of even decent quality together -- in relatively short order -- without cash to spend.

Someone once explained it to me this way:

Buying props and putting together costumes involves three major factors.

1) Quick
2) Inexpensive
3) High Quality

You can only pick two out of three.
I've been saving up money for quite some time and whatever is left of the final price I'm going to get as a christmas gift. Quality is really what I'm looking for and I'm willing to give for what the final product is worth.
BTW, I'm in no way saying my list is comprehensive or exhaustive...just a start. You should also use Advanced Search for threads on here by Batninja, 99centtaco, Cruzer, Stormrider, TerminalFettler, BKBT, and many others. There are a plethora of fantastic skilled people here....
A lesson I have to teach my clients about my business on a regular basis. Well put. :D

Someone once explained it to me this way:

Buying props and putting together costumes involves three major factors.

1) Quick
2) Inexpensive
3) High Quality

You can only pick two out of three. :)
All you need to do just put the words Starfortress in the search that is at the top of each page. That should tell you everything you need to know.
Business practices aside... the only thing Fett related thing they sell that is any good is... um... wait I can't think of anything :D
Seller cucblack on e-bay is a recaster of another e-bayers armor He sells it painted to hide the fact that it is another e-bayers armor.

are you sure about this???:confused:confused:confused I love cucblack's props and I have heard NOTHING about this in the year I have been working on my costume. :wacko:wacko:wacko I WOULD NOT SMEAR SOMEONES NAME WITH THE "RECASTER" LABEL IF I DO NOT HAVE VALID PROOF!:eek::eek::eek: Can someone else shed some light on this?:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm
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