Girth Belt Interest Thread - Still At It! Update:12/15/04


Well-Known Hunter
Girth Belt Interest Thread - Big Run Shipped 1/11/05

Ok, just an update to this thread.
I am still offering these and will continue to do so as long as we have a consistant interest.

These are 14 strand English Mohair Girths exactly like the ones used in the films. The coloration is correct due to a dying process I have been using. I also make and attach the screen acurate nylon straps to the one side of the buckles as seen in the Reference CD photos of the AOSW and MOM pictures.
I have had a lot of positive feedback from the customers that have purchased the girths from me and hope the interest continues.
Thank You,

1-MARROW_SUN Arrived
2-Rimshot Ready To Ship
3-TK409 Arrived
4-Laan Arrived
5-tksdad Arrived
6-soilman Arrived
7-dcwheaton Arrived
8-dengar99 Arrived
9-Fett2210 (2 belts) Arrived
10-Geo Arrived
11-Jango_Wes Arrived
12-BFett88 Arrived
13-bigkidbiggertoys Arrived
14-Duh Arrived
15-Maniacman7 Arrived
16-boba_fett Arrived
17-Slave2112 Arrived
18-darthmaul Arrived
21-Jodo_Kast Arrived
22-Thanot Arrived
23-Ull Dar Borealis Arrived
24-outtacontrol108 Arrived
25-Sean Arrived
26-MM Arrived
27-Prymer13 Arrived
29-Fosterkeri Shipped 1/11/05
30-SEEKER Arrived
31-Jango Fett Jr. Arrived
32-Defiler Arrived
33-Evil Benius Arrived
34-TK-409 Shipped 1/11/05
35-Bobamaker Arrived
36-Jodo_Kast (White) Arrived
37-mlcallanta Arrived
38-shortimer52 Arrived
39-DarthFett_79 Arrived
40-MM Arrived
41-Master-Jedi-Allma Arrived
42-AFettFullofDollars Arrived
43-Skywkvader Arrived
44-Gorman Arrived
45-Arn-Ma Brlou Arrived
46-Imaclone? Arrived
47-almosttk 04/11/2005
48-Darksaber212 Arrived
49-Webchief Shipped Overnight 03/18/2005
51-Cal196 Arrived
52-Howlingwind13 Arrived
53-Got Maul Arrived
54-BOUNTYS HUNTED 04/11/2005
55-mbmcfarland 04/11/2005
56-Oppi Arrived
56-Loranar_Fett Arrived
57-TK172 04/11/2005
58-predatormv (Pre Pro Brown) Arrived
59-jediteddy (Pre Pro Brown) Arrived
60-Dark Shadow Shipped 04/12/2005
61-Tim H Arrived

PM me for pricing and questions.
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Thanks Marrow!. I will probably finish up on the first 3 tonight and they will be ready to ship by Saturday. I attached the nylon straps to the first one last night as I was doing the first color of the dye. They look great. I hope you like it.
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I have had a few questions from people wondering if the color would work for ESB as well as ROTJ.
This picture told me that it was perfect!

Picture Not Available
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I will be working on the 2nd run of these this weekend. The first ones I sent out should be making their way to their respective houses as we speak. I can't wait to get the feedback on how they look in person.
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Got mine today - these are outstanding girth belts. The color is excellent. I love it, thanks for doing these! Very nice work Eddie.
- Chris
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Thanks for the great feedback Chris. I was hoping you would like it!
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I have been receiving a few questions about the straps. I will post what the belt looks like with the straps attached.
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I just wanted to give an update to those that have put their orders in. The first batch came out absolutely perfect with no problems what so ever. The second run did not take the dye at all and I dyed the girths twice. I am working diligently to resolve this issue. Come hell or high water, I will get these out to all of you as soon as possible. Thank you all for being so patient. The test one is currently soaking in acetone to strip off whatever it is treated with.

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Trooper TK409 - could you post some pics of yours?

E2K123 - GREAT JOB MAN!! Also how tall are these girth belts? I would like to be in this and wanna make sure thats what I'm looking for
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Are there any issues with the dye 'bleeding' during extended wear? In other words, is the dye locked in so that it won't leave a stain on the jumpsuit?
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SEEKER wrote:

Trooper TK409 - could you post some pics of yours?

E2K123 - GREAT JOB MAN!! Also how tall are these girth belts? I would like to be in this and wanna make sure thats what I'm looking for

They range from 36 in to 58 I think. I know the smallest I can get is a 36 though.

Are there any issues with the dye 'bleeding' during extended wear? In other words, is the dye locked in so that it won't leave a stain on the jumpsuit?

The first batch of 4 that I did will never bleed. Now, the 4 that I am currently working on appear to be treated and did not take the first 2 dye baths. I took one and soaked it in acetone for 24 hours, washed it and it is in a dye bath right now. I am praying that it takes the dye. If it does, then all is good. I will let you know how it turns out.
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Last night I finished up dying the first one that I soaked and it looks like it took that color pretty good. Now all I have to do is the other color to see if it takes and we will be back on track. I have 3 of them floating in acetone right now, waiting to be sent through the dye. I will probably dye them tomorrow morning.
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Hey Eddie, just got my belt and I've gotta hand it to man, it looks AWESOME! I couldn't be happier. Great work! :D
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