Mando'a Dictionary

RC 1183

New Hunter
:jet pack:zam:DI thought this was pretty much nessisary in a place with so many Mandos its a Mando'a dictionary no one should be with out one

[edit] Verbs
atiniir (ah-teen-EER) - to endure, to stick with, to tough it out
baatir (BAH-teer) - to care, to worry about
beten - to sigh
brokar - to beat (heartbeat, drumbeat)
cuyir - to be, to exist
dinuir (DEE-noo-eer) - to give
duraanir - to look down upon, to hold in contempt, to despise
duumir - to allow
ganar - to have
gaan - to want
hettir - to burn
hibirar - to learn
hukaatir (HOO-kaht-EER) - to protect, to cover, to shield
jehaatir - to lie
jorso'ran - shall bear (archaic)
jurir - to bear, to carry
jorhaa'ir - to speak
jurkadir - to mess with someone (lit: to brandish a saber)
kar'taylir - to know
liser - to be able to, can
motir - to stand
narir (nah-REER) - to act (carry out), to do
nartir (nah-ree-TEER) - to place, to put
nau'ur (also: sometimes seen as naur) (now-00R) - to light up
nau'ur kad - to forge a saber
nynir - to hit, to strike
oya (OY-ah) - Many meanings: literally "Let's hunt!" and also "Stay alive!", but also "Hoorah!", "Go you!", "Cheers!" Always positive and triumphant.
parjir - to win, to be victorious
shabiir - to screw up
shukur - to break, to smash/tear apart, to crush
solus - each, individual, alone
susulur - to hear, to listen
takisir - to insult
trattok'o - fall, fail
udesiir - to relax, to rest, to be peaceful
verborir - to buy, to hire, to contract
vorer - to accept
[edit] Adjectives and adverbs
a'denla - vengeful
adenn - merciless
ani'la - ultimate
aruetyc (ah-roo-ay-TEESH) - traitorous
atin (ah-TEEN) - stubborn
briikase - happy
dar (dahr) - no longer
darasuum - eternal/eternally, forever
di'kutla - foolish, idiotic (severe)
draar (drahr) - never
dral - bright
dralshy'a (drahl-SHEE-ya) - stronger, more powerful
ge'tal - red
hettyc - burning
hut'uunla (hoo-OON-lah) - cowardly
iviin'yc - fast, quickly
jate - good
jatne (JAT-nay) - best
kandosii - indomitable, noble, ruthless
mirdala - clever
nau - before
ne'tra - black
ori (OH-ree) - big, extreme, very
racin - pale
shabla - screwed up (offensive)
shukla - crushed
solus - one, alone, each, individual, vulnerable
sol'yc - first
talyc - bloody (can be used to describe meat as "rare")
teroch - pitiless
tome - together
tracyn'la - grilled, chargrilled, scorched
troch - certainly
ures - without
usen'ye - rudest way to tell someone to go away (same root as osik)
[edit] Nouns
abesh - east
abiik - air
a'den - wrath, rage
adu - sons (archaic)
ad - son, daughter, child
ad'ika - kid, lad, boy, sweetie, darling
aka (AH-kah) mission
akaan - war
akaan'ade (AH-kahn-AH-day) army
aliit (ah-LEET) - family, clan
aruetii (ah-roo-AY-tee) - traitor, outsider, comparable to "them"
aruetiise (ah-roo-ay-TEE-say) - Aruetii, plural
ba'buir - grandfather/grandmother
ba'vodu - uncle
beroya (bair-OY-ah) bounty hunter
beskar - Mandalorian iron
beskar'ad - droid (literally "child of iron")
beskar'gam - armor (literally "iron skin")
Bes'uliik - Basilisk (literally "iron beast")
behot - a citrus-flavored herb, antiseptic, and mild stimulant
birgaan - backpack
buir (boo-EER) - father/mother
burc'ya (BOOR-sha) - friend
buy'ce (BOO-shay, s.); buy'cese (pl.) - helmet; colloquial: pint, bucket
ca - night
chakaar - thief, petty criminal, scumbag, *****, bastard, bugger, (lit: "grave robber")
chig (CHEEG) - any kind of hot drink, an infusion
Coruscanta - Coruscant
cyar'tomade - fans, a group of people with affection for something
cyar'ika- darling, beloved, sweetheart
darasuum (dah-RAH-soom) - eternity
dar'buir (DAHR boo-EER) - no longer a father (very shameful)
dar'manda (dahr-MAHN-da) - a state of being "not Mandalorian"; not an outsider, but one who has lost his heritage, and so his identity and soul
dar'jetii - no longer a Jedi (Sith, Dark Jedi)
dar'yaim - a hell, a place you want to forget
dha (dah) - dark
di'kut (dee-KOOT) - a foolish, idiotic, useless individual (severe); context-dependent:can mean jerk, moron, idiot, etc. (sometimes vulgar)
droten (DROH-ten) - people, public.
entye (ENT-yay} - debt
gal - ale
gayi'kaab - radio
gayiyli - resurrector
gett - nut
ge'verd (ge-VAIRD) - almost a warrior
gihaal (gee-HAAL) - fish-meal
gra'tua (gra-TOO-ah) - revenge, vengeance
hut'uun (hoo-TOON) - coward
ib'tuur - today (lit: "this day")
jai'galaar - shriek-hawk
jatne'buir- best father
Jetii (Jay-tee) - (the) Jedi
Jetiise - (the) Republic, plural "Jedi"
ka'ra - stars
ka'rta - heart
kad - saber
kad'au (kahd-OW) - lightsaber
kama - backside, back, belt-spat
Kaminiise - Kaminoans
kando (KAHN-do) - importance, weight
ke'gyce - command, order
kom'rk - gauntlet
kot - strength
kote - glory, might
kyr'am - death
Mand'alor - Mandalore
Manda'yaim - Mandalore
Mando'ad - Mandalorian (lit: Son/Daughter/Child of Mandalore)
Mar'eyce - discovery
mirshe - brain, brains
mirsh - brain cell
ne'tra gal - black ale
norac - back
ori'ramikade - Supercommandos (lit: Super-raiders with sabers)
or'dinii - complete lunatic
osik - ****, poodoo (sometimes vulgar)
parjai - victory
prudii - shadow
rang - ash
runi - soul
shebs (shebs, s.); shebse (SHEB-say, pl.) - backside, rear, butt (sometimes vulgar)
Siit - Sith
Shuk'om - Crushgaunt
tal - blood
tar - starfield, space, star, sky
tat - brother (Concord Dawn dialect for vod)
Taungsarang - the ash of the Taung
tihaar (TEE-har) - an alcoholic drink; a strong, clear spirit made from fruit
tor - justice
tracinya - flame
tracyn - fire
troan - face
tsad - alliance, group, organization
tuur - day
uj'alayi (OOH-jah-LIE-ee) - a very dense, very sweet cake made from crushed nuts, dried fruit and spices, and then soaked in a sticky scented syrup called uj'jayl. Colloquially known as an Uj cake.
uj'Jayl (ooh-JAI-ul) - a sticky scented syrup
ven - future
verd - warrior
vhett - farmer
vod (VOHD) - brother, sister, comrade
vode (VOH-day) - brothers, sisters, comrades
vod'ika - little brother, little sister
Vongese - Yuuzhan Vong or just Vong
Werda - shadows (archaic)
[edit] Phrases
Aliit ori'shya taldin - "Family is more than blood." Mandalorian Proverb.
Ba'slan shev'la. - Strategic disappearance. Mandalorian Phrase.
Copaani gaan? - Need a hand?
Gedet'ye - please
K'atini - Suck it up!
Kandosii! - "Awesome!"
Ke'pare - "Stand by"
Udesii - "calm down", "take it easy"
Su'cuy! - a friendly greeting (lit: "still live," i.e. "so you're still alive.")
Resol'nare - Six Actions
Re'turcye mhi! - goodbye
Ret'ini - Just in case
Cuy'val Dar - "Those who no longer exist"
Vor'e (VOHR-ay.) - thanks, short form of vor entye
Vor entye - thank you (lit: "I accept your debt")
Mir'osik - something undesirable where your brains ought to be, i.e. "Dung for brains"
Haili cetare (HI-lee ket-AH-ray) - Eat up (lit: "Fill your boots")
Mar'e (MAH-ray) - expression of relief colloquial: "At last!"
Ke'sush (Keh-SOOSH) - "Atten-shun!"
Verd ori'shya beskar'gam. - "A warrior is more than (his) armor" (Mandalorian proverb)
Ner vod (nair vohd) - "my brother/sister" colloquial: "(my) buddy/pal/lad/chap"
Usenye (oo-SEN-yay) - "Go away!" (obscene)
Tion'ad hukaat'kama? (Tee-ON-ahd HOO-kaht-KA-ma) - "Who's watching your back?"
Ori'jate - "Very good"
Mirsh'kyramud (MEERSH-keer'AH-mood) - boring person (lit: "brain killer")
Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya! - "Don't mess with Mandos, mate!" (lit: "Don't wave your saber at Mandolorians, mate!" )
Ke nu jurkad ti Mando'ade, burc'ya! - "Don't cross swords with Mandos, mate!"
Nu jurkad Mando'ade, burc'ya! - a reassurance, comparable to "Steady, mate"
N'jurkad - "Don't mess with me"
Tsad droten - Republic, democracy, even government; context-dependent (lit: "people's organization")
Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur. - "Today is a good day for someone else to die." (lit: "This day (is) the best (for) another person to die.")
Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum (nee kar-TILE garh dah-RAH-soom) - colloquial: "I love you."
Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it - Truth, Honor, Vision—said when sealing a pact
Hukaat'kama (hu-KAHT-ka-MAH) - Watch my back, watch my six
K'uur - Hush, Be quiet
Nar dralshy'a - Try harder
Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya. - "Train your sons to be strong but your daughters to be stronger." Mandalorian saying.
Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu. - They were the wrath of the warrior's shadow and the Gauntlet of the Republic (A line from a Mandalorian war song, adapted for the Republic Commandos).
Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la - "Not gone, merely marching far away" (Mandalorian phrase for the departed)
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore. - Pressure makes gems, ease makes decay. Mandalorian Proverb.
Ori'buyce, kih'kovid. - "All helmet, no head." (Mandalorian insult for someone with an overdeveloped sense of authority.)
Mandokarla - You've got the right stuff.
[edit] Other words
a - but
an - all
ashi - other
ast - itself
bal - and
bah - to
be - of
cuun (koon) - our
kaysh (kaysh) - him, his
ke - imperative prefix
ke nu - "don't" prefix
lo (loh) - into
elek (EL-eck) - yes (colloquial: lek, comparable to "yeah")
gar - you, your
haar - emphatic definite article (rare)
ibic - this
juaan - beside
meg (mayg) - which, that
meh (mey) - if
mhi (mee) - we
nayc (NAYSH) - no (colloquial: shh, comparable to "nah")
ner (nair) - my
ni - I
par - for
ra - or
sa - as, like
sha or shal - at (when used in front of a consonant)
te - the
teh - from
ti - with
tion - interrogative prefix
tion'ad - who, interrogative
vaii - where
val - they, their, theirs
ven - future prefix

[edit] Numbers
solus (SOH-loos) - one
t'ad (tahd) - two
ehn (enn) - three
cuir (KOO-eer) - four
rayshe'a (ray-SHEE-ah) - five
resol (reh-SOL) - six
e'tad (EH-tad) - seven
sh'ehn (shayn) - eight
she'cu (SHAY-koo) - nine
ta'raysh (ta-RAYSH) - ten
Very nice.

Links to the complete Mando'a dictionary (which is currently sitting around 1100 words I believe... she's always adding to it, updates twice a year I believe, along with grammar guides, sample speech, etc. Very handy too. I've been slowly trying to teach it to myself... pretty cool language, actually. As the Mando's would say, Bic Jate. And as you can tell, Ni nu jorhaa'i mando'a jate.
based on Kar'buir's (Karen Traviss) spreadsheet available from I've created a mini dictionary lookup. You can download it HERE

There's about 1500 entries in there

I did paste this into another thread a while back. Search is your friend :)
Mando'a Lessons

I was told by Asok via PM that many on here do not know/speak/write Mando'a (The language of the Mando'ade) so I figured I could help give people the appropriate tools so they can learn it and start using it whilst in custom or while around friends just to perturb them.

I have done a lot of tutorial pages for the game I have been playing so I am going to treat this in the same manner and do it jokingly yet serious.

Hope you all enjoy! XD
Some basics:

Su'cuy: Is a greeting or Hello.
Ner vod: My brother.
Osik: Is poodoo.
Mir'osik: Poodoo for brains
Di'kut: Severe insult of anothers intelligence.
Beskar'gam: Armor.
Buy'ce: Helmet, pint, or bucket.
Mando'ade: A Mandalorian.
Mand'alor: Mandalor.
Hu'tuun: Worst possible Mando'ade insult "coward".
Te: The (not used frequently).
Eyn: A/an (not used frequently).
-la: Turns a noun into an adjective ie. (di'kutla is idiotic).
-yn: Same as -la.
-shy'a: Is a superlative which just means it makes the adjective stronger.
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Here is another list that I got off of Wookieepedia (

 Atiniir (ah-teen-EER) - to endure, to stick with, to tough it out
 Baatir (BAH-teer) - to care, to worry about
 Beten - to sigh
 Brokar - to beat (heartbeat, drumbeat)
 Cuyir - to be, to exist
 Dinuir (DEE-noo-eer) - to Give
 Duraanir - to look down upon, to hold in contempt, to despise
 Duumir - to allow
 Ganar -to have
 Hettir - to burn
 Hibirar - to learn
 Hukaatir (HOO-kaht-EER) - to protect, to cover, to shield
 Jorso'ran - shall bear (archaic)
 Jurir - to bear, to carry
 Jorhaa'ir - to speak
 Jurkadir - to mess with someone (lit: to brandish a saber)
 Kar'taylir - to know
 Liser - to be able to, can
 Motir - to stand
 Narir (nah-REER) - to act (carry out), to do
 Nartir (nah-ree-TEER) - to place, to put
 Nau'ur (also: sometimes seen as naur) (now-00R) - to light up
 Nau'ur kad - to forge a saber
 Nynir - to hit, to strike
 Parjir - to win, to be victorious
 Shabiir - to screw up
 Shukur - to break, to smash/tear apart, to crush
 Solus - each, individual, alone
 Susulur - to hear, to listen
 Takisir - to insult
 Trattok'o - fall, fail
 Udesiir - to relax, to rest, to be peaceful
 Verborir - to buy, to hire, to contract
 Vorer - to accept
Adjectives & Adverbs
 A'denla - vengeful
 Adenn - merciless
 Ani'la - ultimate
 Aruetyc (ah-roo-ay-TEESH) - traitorous
 Atin (ah-TEEN) - stubborn
 Briikase - happy
 Dar (dahr) - no longer
 Darasuum - eternal/eternally, forever
 Di'kutla - foolish, idiotic (severe)
 Draar (drahr) - never
 Dral - bright
 Dralshy'a (drahl-SHEE-ya) - stronger, more powerful
 Ge'tal - red
 Hettyc - burning
 Hut'uunla (hoo-OON-lah) - cowardly
 Iviin'yc - fast, quickly
 Jatne (JAT-nay) - best
 Kandosii - indomitable, noble, ruthless
 Mirdala - clever
 Nau - before
 Ne'tra - black
 Ori (OH-ree) - big, extreme, very
 Racin - pale
 Shabla - modifier used for emphasis, comparable to "****ing" (severe)
 Shukla - crushed
 Sol'yc - first
 Talyc - bloody (can be used to describe meat as "rare")
 Teroch - pitiless
 Tome - together
 Tracyn'la - grilled, chargrilled, scorched
 Troch - certainly
 Ures - without
 Solus - one, alone, each, individual, vulnerable
 Usen'ye - rudest way to tell someone to go away (same root as osik)
 Abesh - east
 Abiik - air
 A'den - wrath, rage
 Adu - sons (archaic)
 Ad - son, daughter, child
 Ad'ika - kid, lad, boy, sweetie, darling
 Aka (AH-kah) mission
 Akaan - war
 Akaan'ade (AH-kahn-AH-day) army
 Aliit (ah-LEET) - family, clan
 Aruetii (ah-roo-AY-tee) - traitor, outsider, comparable to "them"
 Aruetiise (ah-roo-ay-TEE-say) - Aruetii, plural
 Ba'buir - grandfather
 Ba'vodu - uncle
 Beroya (bair-OY-ah) bounty hunter
 Beskar - Mandalorian iron
 Beskar'gam - armor (literally "iron skin")
 Bes'uliik - Basilisk (literally "iron beast")
 Behot - a citrus-flavored herb, antiseptic, and mild stimulant
 Birgaan - backpack
 Buir (boo-EER) - father
 Burc'ya (BOOR-sha) - friend
 Buy'ce (BOO-shay, s.); buy'cese (pl.) - helmet; colloquial: pint, bucket
 Ca - night
 Chakaar - thief, petty criminal, scumbag, *****, bastard, bugger, (lit: "grave robber")
 Chig (CHEEG) - any kind of hot drink, an infusion
 Coruscanta - Coruscant
 Cyar'tomade - fans, a group of people with affection for something
 Darasuum (dah-RAH-soom) - eternity
 Dar'buir (DAHR boo-EER) - no longer a father (very shameful)
 Dar'manda (dahr-MAHN-da) - a state of being "not Mandalorian"; not an outsider, but one who has lost his heritage, and so his identity and soul
 Dar'jetii - no longer a Jedi (Sith, dark Jedi)
 Dar'yaim - a hell, a place you want to forget
 Dha (dah) - Dark
 Di'kut (dee-KOOT) - a foolish, idiotic, useless individual (severe); context-dependent: can mean ********, wanker, *******, jerk, moron, idiot, etc.
 Droten (DROH-ten) - people, public.
 Entye (ENT-yay} - debt
 Gal - ale
 Gayi'kaab - radio
 Gayiyli - resurrector
 Gett - nut
 Ge'verd (ge-VAIRD) - almost a warrior
 Gihaal (gee-HAAL) - fish-meal
 Gra'tua (gra-TOO-ah) - revenge, vengeance
 Hut'uun (hoo-TOON) - coward
 Ib'tuur - today (lit: "this day")
 Jai'galaar - shriek-hawk
 Jetii (Jay-tee) - (the) Jedi
 Jetiise - (the) Republic, plural "Jedi"
 Ka'ra - stars
 Ka'rta - heart
 Kad - saber
 Kad'au (kahd-OW) - lightsaber
 Kama - backside, back, belt-spat
 Kaminiise - Kaminoans
 Ke'gyce - command, order
 Kom'rk - gauntlet
 Kando (KAHN-do) - importance, weight
 Kot - strength
 Kote - glory, might
 Kyr'am - death
 Mand'alor - Mandalore
 Manda'yaim - Mandalore
 Mando'ad - Mandalorian (lit: Son/Daughter/Child of Mandalore)
 Mirshe - brain, brains
 Mirsh - brain cell
 Ne'tra gal - black ale
 Or'dinii - complete lunatic
 Osik - equivalent of "poodoo"
 Parjai - victory
 Prudii - shadow
 Rang - ash
 Runi - soul
 Shebs (shebs, s.); shebse (SHEB-say, pl.) - backside, rear, ***
 Siit - Sith
 Shuk'om - Crushgaunt
 Tal - blood
 Tar - starfield, space, star, sky
 Tat - brother (Concord Dawn dialect for vod)
 Taungsarang - the ash of the Taung
 Tihaar (TEE-har) - an alcoholic drink; a strong, clear spirit made from fruit
 Tor - justice
 Tracinya - flame
 Tracyn - fire
 Troan - face
 Tsad - alliance, group, organization
 Tuur - day
 Uj'alayi (OOH-jah-LIE-ee) - a very dense, very sweet cake made from crushed nuts, dried fruit and spices, and then soaked in a sticky scented syrup called uj'jayl. Colloquially known as an Uj cake.
 Uj'Jayl (ooh-JAI-ul) - a sticky scented syrup
 Ven - future
 Verd - warrior
 Vhett - farmer
 Vod (VOHD) - brother, sister, comrade
 Vode (VOH-day) - brothers, sisters, comrades
 Vod'ika - little brother, little sister
 Vongese - Yuuzhan Vong or just Vong
 Werda - shadows (archaic)
 Aliit ori'shya taldin - "Family is more than blood." Mandalorian Proverb.
 Ba'slan shev'la. - Strategic disappearance. Mandalorian Phrase.
 Copaani gaan? - Need a hand?
 "Gar aruetyc jetiise lise nau'ur ca ti jetii'kade, a'a'denla Siite hibira atiniir darasuum." - "You traitorous Jedi can light up the night with your lightsabers, but the vengeful Sith learn to endure forever."
 Gedet'ye - please
 K'atini - Suck it up!
 Kandosii! - "Awesome!"
 Ke'pare, ke baslana meh mhi Kyrayc - "Stand by, (and) get out if we don't make it."
 Ke'pare - "Stand by"
 Udesii - "calm down", "take it easy"
 Su'cuy! - a friendly greeting (lit: "still live," i.e. "so you're still alive.")
 Re'turcye mhi! - goodbye, equivalent to the French au revoir
 Ret'ini - Just in case
 Cuy'val Dar - "Those who no longer exist"
 Vor'e (VOHR-ay.) - thanks, short form of vor entye
 Vor entye - thank you (lit: "I accept your debt")
 Mir'osik - something undesirable where your brains ought to be, i.e. "**** for brains"
 Wayii, ni mirdala dalal'ika! - "Golly gosh, what a jolly clever girl I am!"
 Haili cetare (HI-lee ket-AH-ray) - Eat up, equivalent to the French Bon appetit
 Mar'e (MAH-ray) - expression of relief colloquial: "At last!"
 Ke'sush (Keh-SOOSH) - "Atten-shun!", the good old army command
 Verd ori'shya beskar'gam. - "A warrior is more than (his) armor" (Mandalorian proverb)
 Ner vod (nair vohd) - "my brother/sister" colloquial: "(my) buddy/pal/lad/chap"
 Duraani, burc'ya? - "Are you looking at me funny, pal?" (colloquial)
 Usenye (oo-SEN-yay) - "Go away!"
 Tion'ad hukaat'kama? (Tee-ON-ahd HOO-kaht-KA-ma) - "Who's watching your back?"
 Ori'jate - "Very good"
 Mirsh'kyramud (MEERSH-keer'AH-mood) - boring person (lit: "brain killer")
 Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya! - "Don't mess with Mandos, mate!" (lit: "Don't wave your saber at Mandolorians, mate!" )
 Ke nu jurkad ti Mando'ade, burc'ya! - "Don't cross swords with Mandos, mate!"
 Nu jurkad Mando'ade, burc'ya! - a reassurance, comparable to "Steady, mate"
 N'jurkad - "Don't mess with me"
 Tsad droten - Republic, democracy, even government; context-dependent (lit: "people's organization")
 Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur. - "Today is a good day for some other bugger to die." (lit: "This day (is) the best (for) another person to die.")
 Ke narir haar'ke'gyce rol'eta resol! - "Execute Order 66!" (not a Mando'a saying)
 Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum (nee kar-TILE garh dah-RAH-soom) - colloquial: "I love you."
 Mirdala Mird'ika! - "Clever Mird!" (spoken to Walon Vau's pet Strill, Lord Mirdalan)
 Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it - Truth, Honor, Vision—said when sealing a pact
 Hukaat'kama (hu-KAHT-ka-MAH) - Watch my back, watch my six
 K'uur - Hush, Be quiet
 Nar dralshy'a - Try harder
 Gar ru kaymaru kaysh, di'kut: tion'meh kaysh ru jehaati? You killed him, you moron: what if he was lying? (Said by Kal Skirata to Walon Vau in Star Wars Republic Commando: Triple Zero)
 Ni ru kaymaru Niktose. Meh Orjul jehaati, kay kar'tayli me'ni ven kaymaru kaysh I killed the Nikto. If Orjul's lying, he knows I killed him. (Walon Vau to Kal Skirata)
 Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya. - "Train your sons to be strong but your daughters to be stronger." Mandalorian saying.
 N 'oya 'kari gihaal, Buir. (Noy-ah KAR-ee gee-HAAL, boo-EER) - I've been hunting fish-meal, Father.
 Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu. - They were the wrath of the warrior's shadow and the Gauntlet of the Republic (A line Mandalorian war song adapted for the Republic Commandos).
 Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la - "Not gone, merely marching far away" (Mandalorian phrase for the departed)
 Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore. - Pressure makes gems, ease makes decay. Mandalorian Proverb.
 Ori'buyce, kih'kovid. - "All helmet, no head." (Mandalorian insult for someone with an overdeveloped sense of authority.)
Other words
 A - but
 An - all
 Ashi - other
 Ast - itself
 Bal - and
 Bah - to
 Be - of
 Cuun (koon) - our
 Kaysh (kaysh) - him, his
 Ke - imperative prefix
 Ke nu - "Don't" prefix
 Kyr' am (kee-RAHM) - death
 Lo (loh) - into
 Elek (EL-eck) - yes (colloquial: lek, comparable to "yeah")
 Gar - you, your
 Haar - emphatic definite article (rare)
 Ibic - this
 Jate - good
 Jatne - best
 Juaan - beside
 Meg (mayg) - which, that
 Meh (mey) - if
 Mhi (mee) - we
 Nayc (NAYSH) - no (colloquial: shh, comparable to "nah")
 Ner (nair) - my
 Ni - I
 Par - for
 Sa - as, like
 Sha or shal - at (when used in front of a consonant)
 Te - the
 Teh - from
 Ti - with
 Tion - interrogative prefix, equivalent to the French "Est-ce que"
 Tion'ad - who, interrogative
 Vaii - where
 Val - they, their, theirs
 Ven - future prefix
 Solus (SOH-loos) - one
 Tad (tahd) - two
 Ehn (ayhn) - three
 Cuir (KOO-eer) - four
 Rayshe'a (ray-SHEE-ah) - five
 Resol (reh-SOL) - six
 E'tad (EH-tad) - seven
 Sh'ehn (shayn) - eight
 She'cu (SHAY-koo) - nine
 Ta'raysh (ta-RAYSH) - ten
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If anyone wants a dictionary type list of all the words in Mando'a just PM me and let me know your email address and I will send it to you.
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