Flame thrower help


Hi all, Thanks for all the help I have been getting. I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to mount the flame thrower without it getting in the way of the gauntlet opening up. Someone built the guant for me and painted them. It has a hinge on the side where the FT goes. Any help would be great. Thanks again for to all the people that help everyone on a daily basis.
Can you post a pic? I've heard some issues with gauntlets that wouldn't open up properly because the flame thrower was mounted and then the hinge was put on incorrectly.
Here are some pics


Honestly the hinge should have been put on the otherside with the way the ESB flamethrower sits....is it possible to remove the pin that runs through there to make it like a clamshell from the otherside?
Jumping in...anyone know it there is such a thing a definitive ESB flame thrower template or design? I consider everything Fett Pride does to be very accurate, if not the most accurate, but the only template I have found is WOF's and it is different from Fett Pride's. Thoughts anybody? Is there such a thing a good picture of the actual flame thrower?
Not so much, IMHO. However, there are those of us who have been given access to publicly unreleased pics or other types of access. I am definitely not one of them.
Hinge was mounted on wrong side, like Fett4Real said. You're in quite a pickle. You'll have to dremel the Dinpled hinge sections from inside to make it easier to push the pin out. You'll notice one half has pin retainer dimples and the other half does not.

Hopefully you can spot the "dimples" without me bringing these images to photoshop... These are your enemy right now. These have to be out before you can take that pin out. Even with maximum leverage, pulling these pins out is extremely difficult because of these pin retention dimples. (Your second biggest enemy is the who put those together hasn't put gauntlets together before)
Dremel these dimples out... Don't worry about the pin. worse case scenario you go to Lowe's and buy a hinge to replace the pin.

And what it'll look like when ANY exterior attachment is on there (ESB/ROTJ FT, whipchord box...)... The hinge has to be on the inside. Unless you're David Blaine.


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Get a punch that's small enough to knock the pin out alittle. Once it's out just alittle but take a pair of pliers and turn side to side while pulling it out. Once it's out take a dremel and sand down the bottom 3/4 of the pin so it never gets stuck by the dimples only the top 1/4 will and that's what will hold the pin in when you need it
Or take a flat head and just lift the dimpled parts open alittle.
I couldn't find a flat head small enough! That crossed my mind... There was almost no gap.
I'm telling you though! Those pins did not wanna come out! In fact, I sanded the **** thing down for 20 minutes trying to thin the diameter to slide in easier...
Then in dawned on me when I installed the next gauntlet pin "Use the two non retainer halves you dummie!!!"
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