TFU: The Ultimate Evil or I have a Secret too

Thomas strikes again!

How did I not see this before now!

Great as always. I've been keeping my eye out for the Imperial Knight figures but haven't seen them yet, I saw them on the back of another package and had almost forgotten about it and when I saw it I was like "hey there's Thomas!" lol
Very nice work. Great lines. Only one question I suppose for you. Is this based on the game character? Because the smallest of the symmetrical cylinders in the game, is actually a recess and not an extrusion. at least on the other side of the head.

At least in the screenshot I saw. I thought about making this, but I simply dont have the skills you have:) Not for a project of this size:)

Very nice:)

back to the Orbalisks

Good evening,

I prefer to post when I have more images to share. For now I wanted to thank you, The Dented Helmet for your support. This suit has a great deal of detail to recreate before it will be presentable. I will happily share updates, whenever I make significant progress.

Katua Fett--I am no cosplaya, no need to for anyone else to be a coshata. The helmet is cast in fibre glass. I would not recommend super sculpty for any large format props for several reasons. Chief amongst those would be lack of durability.

Studio Fett Images of the character in game are not commonly available at this tyme. You can see the character in the "Darkside" ending cut scene on Youtube, but be warned--that might be a spoiler for you.

Skupilkinson I appreciated your comment all the more when I understood the work you have been putting into your own Pepakura templates. I do not mean to demean Pepakura assisted prop making. It lends a great start to any 3-D video game based character. My supposition is that recreating the prop from scratch allows for "feeling" to be imposed in the piece. My gut feeling for the Ultimate Evil version of this character has been dread. Completing this costume will be the darkest I have ever traveled to reach a character.

I worked on the masters for this character's claws this weekend. Then I switched gears and redressed my life casting for use with Darth Bane. I am trying to pull a presentable version of my dear Bane together in tyme for an upcoming event of personal significance. And as always, I am short on tyme.

Be well,
dark side? there is no dark side on the wii version and if there was i'd have already done that. light side has never been worth playing in any game, all the light side has is heal, no good moves other than that. and as i understand it, the wii and 360 versions are much different.
WII B Dark too.


Gentle Giant's Secret Apprentice bust set. I am working on the one right.

Both costumes above appear in the WII version of the game, depending on which ending you play. (Try a search on youtube if you are keen on spoilers.)

The WII version of The Ultimate Evil costume is a little different than it appears on the more graphics intensive platforms. I think the Gentle Giant busts capture the details of the character very well--except the protrusion on the right arm.

Once you unlock each ending, you can play as either character. You can in fact play the Secret Apprentice from The Force Unleashed with a variety of different costumes. But the change is only cosmetic. Game play--and cut scenes remain unchanged.

Be well,
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As you can see from my avatar, I love the Sith Stalker armor. I have even tried to make a helmet a couple of times but they ended up being epic failures. This may be the single coolest thing I have seen on this site.:thumbsup: Will you please give me some more in depth insight on how you created this. Where do you even start.
i can't wait to see this. This is one of my fav costumes in the game, though i do have a that secret soft spot for the bounty hunter disguise! haha
dark side? there is no dark side on the wii version and if there was i'd have already done that. light side has never been worth playing in any game, all the light side has is heal, no good moves other than that. and as i understand it, the wii and 360 versions are much different.
What are you talking about? The Wii has a dark side ending. When you get to choose to who defeat at the end, attack Vader instead of Palpatine. You kill Vader, you take his place.
The Ultimate Evil, declassified sketches

Good morning,

Inspired by the fine work of my fellows on costumes of this character, I feel it is tyme I finally share my preliminary research sketches;

Helmet and body to scale

The the undersuit and General Grevious Arm Prosthetic, front

The the undersuit and General Grevious Arm Prosthetic, back

Detail of hand and right fingertip prosthetics

I hope this is of aide to others who are interested in the character.

Be well,
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