Sci-Fire/G2 Animated Rex Helmet


Well-Known Hunter
This was a fun side project. It will be going to a family friend for his 8th birthday and who's a huge Rex fan. He's even having a Clone Wars themed party. I've already begged Stormtrooperguy for an accurate rf topper.;)

The main paints used were all Rustoleum: Gloss white, Sail blue, Dark grey primer, and matte clear. The yellow was some Dupli-Color I had laying around.

Thanks goes out to Sci-Fire and G2 for making such a great looking helmet!:thumbsup:

Rex 1.JPG

Rex 2.JPG

Rex 3.JPG

Rex 4.JPG

Rex 5.JPG

Rex 6.JPG

Rex 7.JPG

Rex 8.JPG

Rex 9.JPG
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Thanks guys. Glad you approve. It's hard to do a bad job when starting with such an awesome helmet sculpt to begin with. To be completely honest, the end product is primarily the result of a "clean" paint job turn I figured why not make it weathered.:thumbsup: :D
Hey Mr. Nice to be here lol... That helmet came out GREAT!!! Sorry I did not have the range finder ready for you but outstanding job on that helmet!
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