Our Royal Guard Costumes are complete!

now that is alot of pics!! and I love them all!!! very nice! Have you ever listened to the audio drama "Crimson Empire" it is a very good listen.
No they are not Don Post, they are the SA helmet from Tongodix. Eventually we plan to upgrade to MLCs.
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And the hair even matches!!!! :thumbsup: :love Those are some awsome costumes, it makes me wish I had one now! :lol: :thumbsup:
Thanks guys, they feel really nice on as well, not too hot, beautiful movement when walking. Honestly perfect. I could not be happier with the way they turned out. Even the spot where we had to add a button for the head holes came out nice and perfect.

Next on our list of Emp guards, Shadow Guards using Gypsyboy buckets. I just really want a SaberPike.....lol. I am half tempted though to grab our MLCs and use our SA buckets for Shadow Guards, GB's bucket may be gorgeous but from what I have seen resin Rg lids weigh a ton.
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Great pics! Those outfits look awesome. Just wanted to interject that the resin I use is relatively light (but strong). To give you some idea - I am told that my resin Vader helmet is very noticeably and refreshingly lighter than a f'glass one. Because of the size of these lids they won't be light as a feather, but they won't be near as bad as if they were f'glass. As for strength - I've mentioned this before in other posts on various boards but it is really a good example - I had a resin Vader face get blown off my back porch, and it landed on top of a large rock. I jumped down, expecting to have to pick it up in pieces, only to find it was undamaged. If it had been f'glass I would have been bringing it back in a pile of shattered shards. I know this to be true because I've had that happen.
Very impresssed! Like the way they turned out, makes me kind of want to do a royal guard....possible future ideas. Great job again. Cheers!
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