Old Republic Trooper


New Hunter
So have you guys seen the Hope trailer for the new Old Republic game? I watched that video and fell in love w/ the Republic trooper armor. I plan to start a build, but i'm already working on some RC armor from skip, so it might have to wait for a while.

I'm kind of puzzling over how best to approach this build though. It's kind of difficult to find resource pics, as the only version of the armor appears solely in the trailer. Additionally, i'm not sure what method would be best for construction.

I suppose molds and vacuum forming would be the most accurate, but i don't know if i could replicate the thickness of the armor plates very well.

In any case, this is all contemplative at this point, as i'm just doing sketches right now, suck at drawing, and am currently stuck deciding where the chest armor goes lol

Suggestions/links would be appreciated, enjoy the trailer, if you haven't already :]

Oh ps, i decided to include a link to a RAR folder of source images/video i whipped up (mostly screencaptures), in case anybody wants them. I know you guys are mostly into Mando's and Clones haha


So as of right now, i'm sketching things out so i don't have to squint or flip through screencaps for reference. I have most of the back sketched out and i've started on the limbs.

I foresee a few problems inherent to this project, a few of which i'm already encountering. Most of which are just situational and unavoidable since i'm working from 720-1080pi pics from about 4min of video haha.

As of 9-4-10
Working on building accurate references (sketches etc) and i'll (slowly) start the modeling process perhaps next week? I don't want to start until i've filled in all the blanks so to speak. As i don't have any sort of life-size manequin thing yet, i'll probably just model free hand, then scale up/down, or perhaps onto a gi-joe or something haha, then i'll start the full size ones when i finish those. Pics to come when i feel like it.

As of 9-10-10
Modeling the helmet in plasticine. I've never seriously sculpted before, and I'm having a little trouble w/ the scaling, since the foam head i'm modeling around is slightly smaller and at a different angle. I also forgot just how much bigger than your head star wars helmets are lol, i can't seem to establish how far out and down it needs to go.

I'm going to make a silicone mold and slushcast eventually

Anyway, i'll probably need more clay to finish, and i'll post pics after i have the silhouette more established.

Also, lemme know if i'm doing this thread wrong or whatever, this is my first time documenting any such project.
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Interesting trailer,personally,I think the main trooper should have had a helmet on........Anyway,this sounds like an interesting build. The armor looked to have a mix of RC,clone trooper and stormtrooper. The helmet reminded me of a Beehive(just a little),with a cody-style sun visor.

Good luck on the build. I'll keep my eye on this.
this will be one cool build but i wouldnt call it an old republic trooper id call it an Woodland Commando or maybe a Salvaged trooper cause peaces of that around are fairly random...his right shoulder is from an Commando(while other have both shoulders from a commando) the left is the larger part of an ARC troopers pauldron,gauntlets are off a commando too while the upper arm armor is of a phase one clone the leg armor is off of a phase two clone and boots are commando the back plates are off of commando's clones while the fronts are phase one clone armor and the helmets are defenetly modified beehive helmets with cody style cshaded visor.if these guys are standard clones they must be really really special like special commando's,but if you ask me their most likely regular guys who salvaged what was left of clone commando and phase 1 and 2 armours to put together the best armor they could
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Interesting trailer,personally,I think the main trooper should have had a helmet on........
Agreed, and i don't like the weird half-breed pauldron

this will be one cool build but i wouldnt call it an old republic trooper id call it an Woodland Commando or maybe a Salvaged trooper cause peaces of that around are fairly random...

Well seeing as it's the Old Republic i don't think that it's technically related to the Clone armor of Ep 1,2&3.
But yes, i did notice the similarities. I have a feeling this is most likely due to the production of the trailer. They probably just borrowed and modded from other armor templates.

In fact the similarities, particularly to the RC armor are what drew me in the most. I've seen pics of the in game trooper as well as the concept art, and i just didn't like it as much. It's easy to start directly drawing links to clone armor, especially with the lack of source images, but i really don't want to just mix and match. So, canon or not, i think i will try to emulate the "basic trooper" from this vid (for an example, take the guy the camera follows from 1:17-1:22)
My favorite details so far are the paint scheme, the "basic" shoulder armor and oddly enough the leg/foot armor.
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here is a pic of a helmet close up ive found for you and im correcting my self it apeared to resemble a beehive helm but its a moded phase 2,but not to crash your melo he isnt a basic trooper he is a commander...basic trooper is the one in my pic

but yeah i agree with you this is definetly one of the kewlest armors ive ever seen im thinking of joining you with a similar build after i finish my OS pre jasters death jango...
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thanks for the pic, i put together a few screenshots to post, but i have no editing software, so that quality is much better :]

And yeah, i realize the guy w/ the pauldron is the commander lol, but as i said, i'm building the basic trooper, the one from your pic, so it's actually very appreciated :thumbsup:

here's my compilation:
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thanks for the pic, i put together a few screenshots to post, but i have no editing software, so that quality is much better :]

And yeah, i realize the guy w/ the pauldron is the commander lol, but as i said, i'm building the basic trooper, the one from your pic, so it's actually very appreciated :thumbsup:

here's my compilation:

wow dowd your screenshots are amazing...now i cant wait to get done with my fett so i can join you in the ranks of the Republic troopers il be building a basic one too but unfortunaly mine will have to wait for like 2-4 months and its really sad cause they look just plain awesome to the power of awesomeness

my opinion on this if it helps is that the first thing your asking about is part hard part soft armor...the black parts are obviusly hard parts and the white part is i think a combination of hard armor thats been padded,the second this to me is a shoulder mounted armor mount i think its also a combination part being a padded shoulder piece that is attached to the suit and then attaches to the armor.
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my opinion on this if it helps is that the first thing your asking about is part hard part soft armor...the black parts are obviusly hard parts and the white part is i think a combination of hard armor thats been padded,the second this to me is a shoulder mounted armor mount i think its also a combination part being a padded shoulder piece that is attached to the suit and then attaches to the armor

Thank you sir, that was pretty much what i thought as well
That visor seems really big. These are the first good screen shots that I have seen, and I never realized how wide the front was. I really thought it was closer to a phase 1 visor area.
That visor seems really big. These are the first good screen shots that I have seen, and I never realized how wide the front was. I really thought it was closer to a phase 1 visor area.

yeah it kind of looks like that toy phase 1 helmet from hasbro. Those things had huge visors, i guess so the kids wouldn't fall over stuff with the reduced view.
i think you could actualy use one of those hasbro helmets and modify it to look like the ones from the vid

well i considered that, but in the end i just decided to sculpt around one of those foam heads from an arts & craft store. Saved me about $30, and i don't have to do any cutting. I don't think my floormates would appreciate the sound of a dremel at 3am haha.

So far i'm just doing the head as i finish up my RC costume. I've already put 10lbs of plasticine clay on this sucker, and it looks like i'll need more. The difficulty i'm having right now is establishing scale. Only one guy in the vid ever has his helmet off, and it's a little tough. But i'm getting the overall shape down i think, i just need more clay and more time. I heard someone say that modeling a clay helmet for vacuform takes like 3 weeks or something.

Anyway, i'll borrow a camera and post pics once i get it to a more recognizable shape
Well after seeing the original teaser my 9yo son and I thought this was the coolest helmet so far so we decided to have a go at making one. The only deal was seeing as though we live in rural Australia and not having supplies of the materials around it had to be made from things around the house. Now bare with me that I have never attempted anything like this it was always going to be a challenge. So using a my wifes cleaning bucket, my old hardhat, my sons ironman mask and the remnants of an old Gokart helmat (visor and face guard) this is what we came up with.




The hardest thing was only having those first images to go off and it wasnt until I was halfway through that the new cinematic intro came out giving a much clearer view. But my son loves it and is having fun and that all I wanted in the end.....oh and to play in the shed of invention.
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