My 327th Star Corps Clone


Well-Known Hunter
I've had this clone finished for nearly 2 years now and I've never really shown it off here ya go.




Thanks. The black scoring was done with dry brushing black acrylic paint. The dirt was done with this stuff and the weathering in the paint/paint chips was done with a combo of masking off the areas, sandpaper, and an xacto knife.
I have always dug the paint work you did on this; this is the direction I am taking the finish on the Sci-Fire stuff, more of a matte finish with topical black, going very minimal on the silver/chipping this time around. Love this suit Donny!
I am almost always impressed with replica makers ability to make the random weathering patterns. I am very intimidated by that. I am afraid I would either overdo it or everything would look uniform. Your ability to make it look natural and organic is really impressive.
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