Imperial Guard Helmet

Great work, the helmet looks brilliant!
Thanks for posting the templates, I may well give it a try my self at some point.
Any plans to do any other helmets?
Great Work with the Royal Guard Helmet. I allready have one and yours seems really good. I think I'm going to use your pepakura one to make a Shadow Royal Guard (the one from The Force Unleashed) when I finish my custom mando.
@ t-bone, For glue, I always use PVA glue. I'm in the UK so I'm not sure if it has a different name over where you are? It's a general glue, used in schools for arts and craft, but is also called wood glue as it's used in woodwork too. It's white when wet, but dries clear.

Like Elmer's school glue then. I didn't even try that I didn't think it would hold up well. Thanks.

The glue I use is good beause it gives you some time to position the glue tabs before setting. ;) The hold is strong enough too.

Thanks for the compliments guys, I appreciate it. As for ther helmets there are a few plans. I'll soon be starting a Leia Boushh helmet for a friend. I plan on trying to do the Anubis and Horus head armor from the Stargate movie, full Republic Commando armor and helmet. I have loads more ideas but only so much time so these will come slowly but I'll get there. There's also another Halo helmet I've aid I'd do for the 405th. That's the Hayabusa helmet.

Thanks again. :)
full Republic Commando armor and helmet.

I humbly suggest you put this as top priority on your list. *waves hand* Yes, will finish this now.

'Twas worth a try. :lol:

Awesome work so far, bro! I envy people who can do all that folding and gluing.... I have no patience.
I've been working on this now, when time allows, for the last few days. I have to say that so far it is the second most difficult pepakura design I have attempted, but I love it. I even went out and bought some quick set glue. I have a large portion of the top dome done now. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
Fantastic! The dome is the most difficult, mainly because of all the faces. Though it gets easier as you work down. ;)

Can't wait to see it.

I managed to get some more fibreglass on mine yesterday, I'm hoping to be able to get some bondo onto it today if the weather picks up.
Can't wait to see your results after the fg and bondo.

I really, really like this new glue. I got a "system" down thats working out really well and seems to be moving faster. I am using hemostats (3 sets total) to hold the parts after gluing a few at a time. By the time I get the glue on the fourth set of tabs I can remove the hemostats from the first set and replace them on the newly glued parts. I was using tweesers and clothespins which seemed like it was moving really slow.
I was using little craft pegs for mine. I had a similar system though with the PVS glue I was using.

It's raing here but hopefully I have enough resin left in the garage to get the last of the fibreglassing done today. I'll try to get some filler onto it too.
Thanks buddy, I'm still working on this as well as another Halo helmet. There just isn't much new to show on the RG lid. As soon as I make some decent progress I'll post it here. ;)

I should really log-on more often! Skupilkinson! This is really cool of you to share the file after doing so much work! I was always interested in the Pepakura software but not so much in a Halo lid... WOW!

I hope you have taken pics of each stage as noobs like me will have LOTS of questions :) Print, Glue, Fiber Glass the inside - then heatgun glue the outside or our Euro equivalent to bondo???

Thanks again for sharing - its really cool of you to do so!
Going to try this to get me back in the groove - Pepakura + SW = LOVE
:) Thanks very much! I haven't had much chance to get more work on this one yet, the weather here has been wet and cold so it's not ideal bondo weather. I sprayed it with some grey paint(lazy job) just to get an idea as to how much bondo work it'll need.

Some areas need a bit of attention but overll, it's Ok. As soon as I get a chane to get in the garage and carry on with it I will.

Thanks again.
Just wondering if you're still gonna offer this .pdo file!! The link no longer works :( I hope no one has been selling or taking credit for your awesome work...really wouldn't suprise me wit people though...
Skip did offer this... but due to one or two people making money from his work on Ebay he has decided to sell his work rather than give it away? best to PM Skip... :thumbsup:
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