Hello from a new guy!


New Hunter
Hi fellas!First I want to say how I admire your skills and talents,especially in armor making!Most of the time I just browse the forum,looking at your creations,wishing I could do it too!I really loved the Re vans armor and mask,also captain Rex's armor!I am from a country that hasn't got many star wars fans,not to speak of creative ones,with the skill and imagination needed for the task of crafting suit or armor or helmet...I am not very talented either,but I got the desire,and since no one around me knows much of star wars they think it's perfect(I hope)So far I had some success in crafting a Jedi robe with hood,I got ideas from Jedi robes,rag nos cultist robes,assassins creed...it's not much yet so I joined here to drink from the well of ideas you guys offer!I got simple saber prop,and I am interested in in making armbands or gauntlets,don't know which is right,sorry,and the piece of armor that goes from below the knee to the angle.The idea is to look a bit like Obi-Wan from the clone wars series.Any help with ideas is much appreciated!I post two photos so You can get the idea of what I am making,please don't laugh,it's only in it's beginning!;)


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Welcome and good luck. I am on my way to an ESB Fett still a ways to go. But you know what they say about the journey, enjoy.
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