Haciendo Botas de Clon


New Hunter
Aprovechando la euforia clónica les quiero mostrar como desarrolle mi version 2.5 de este modelo, las versiones anteriores basadas en el modelo Caboots tenian varios detalles que he ido corrigiendo, sobretodo en el calce y recio...
El modelo es muy parecido en estructura al de TK, aqui estan las piezas componentes ya en los materiales correspondientes, los pasos anteriores son los mismos a los de mis otros modelos...

El elastico lo he dejado mas abajo, mas amplio y el tubo mas ancho y bajo, estos detallitos ayudan a poder meter el pie mucho mas facil, y como ayuda sobre todo cuando te toca cambiarte en un estacinamiento o en la calle :mrgreen:

La pieza del frente "puntera" la uni con una tecnica llamada revolteado, esto es un cosido y vuelto, quedando las costuras ocultas.


Los cortes armados ya quedaron listos para darles la forma y ensuelado


En el estribo o empeine fue donde encontré diferencias entre las referencias muy marcadas incluso en fotos tomadas de la pelicula, decidí basarme en los kotobukiyas

Use un material fexible usado en la fabricacion de suelas, asi es mi clasico EVA...

Unavez limpio del desmoldante es muy manejable y se puede pegar fuertemente con Kola loka!!!

Volvamos al zapato, ya esta montado sobre la horma y esta listo para ensuelarse despues de 24 hrs...


La suela es diferente a los de TK ya que que una cuña sin tacon y hay que darle la forma adecuada antes de pegarla...

Ya solo colocamos el estribo y listos para patear droides y despues Jedis jajaja!


Hola Landher, gracias por el tutorial pero me temo que aquí hay que hablar en inglés si quieres que te entiendan. Un saludo.

Hello Landher, thanks for the tutorial but I'm afraid you must write in English if you want to be understood. Regards.
Hola Landher, gracias por el tutorial pero me temo que aquí hay que hablar en inglés si quieres que te entiendan. Un saludo.

Hello Landher, thanks for the tutorial but I'm afraid you must write in English if you want to be understood. Regards.

Roger, roger!!!
Impresionante Landher... Saludos desde Argentina... Tendrias los planos/formas que usaste?

Impresive Landher... Greetings from Argentina... Do you have the plans/templates that you used?
Good day... Taking advantage of the clone forum, I want to show you as I develop my version 2.5 of this model, the previous versions based on the model one Caboots, various details that have been corrected, above all in the trace and strong... The model is very similar in structure to that of TK, be it there are components already in the corresponding materials, the previous steps are the same to the of my other models...

The elastic I have left it put down, but extensive and the pipe but wide and low, these details help to be able to fit the foot a lot, and as helps above all when touches you to change you in an convention or in the street

The piece of the front "tip" the one with a technique called revolteado, this is a sewn and returned, making the sewing and dressmaking hidden.


The armed courts already they remained ready to give them the form and shape


In the stirrup or instep was where I found differences among the references very marked even in photos taken of the films, I decided to base on kotobukiyas

Use a material fexible used in the fabrication of soles, as is my classic EVA...

even cleaning of the desmolding is very manageable and can be hit hardly with the Cola Loka!!!

We return to the shoe, already this mounted one on the form and this one is ready for use in 24 hrs...


The sole is different to those of TK since that of a wedge without tacon and one must give him the adequate form before hitting it...

Ready! Already alone we place the stirrup and ready to kick droids and dirty Jedis hahaha!



My best attempt at translation for the english only readers...
Impresionante Landher... Saludos desde Argentina... Tendrias los planos/formas que usaste?

Impresive Landher... Greetings from Argentina... Do you have the plans/templates that you used?

surely, you the shipment by MP

Gracias Viejo!
Con todo gusto te las envio por MP o email
Wow :eek: I won't embarrass myself with my poor Spanish, so I will just say that is truly amazing craftsmanship :thumbsup: :cheers

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Wow, i haven´t seen this post, it´s looks awesome,
Landher, mi friend, i admire your talent, these pics show all the details.
why don´t you post pics wit the armor on, i believe you have some pics fron nazgul.
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Hi Landher

I think your boots are looking tremendous, very awesome, but could I make a suggestion never the less, it's about the soles , is it possible to make the boot it self fit inside the sole I mean, It looks a bit like the Caboots cloneboot soles, I fitted those boots once, because the soles were a bit too narrow I nearly lost my balance, I think the sole should at least be a bit wider, it's nothing more than a suggestion.

Very nice looking boots though.
Hi Landher

I think your boots are looking tremendous, very awesome, but could I make a suggestion never the less, it's about the soles , is it possible to make the boot it self fit inside the sole I mean, It looks a bit like the Caboots cloneboot soles, I fitted those boots once, because the soles were a bit too narrow I nearly lost my balance, I think the sole should at least be a bit wider, it's nothing more than a suggestion.

Very nice looking boots though.

Hello! you are right, ithats why.i´m working at this moment in that improvement. hope to get this result


thank you very much by your commentary
You're very Welcome Landher,

Permiteme hablarle en español, si lologra en haciendo las botas como en la foto, queria preguntarle si va a vender estas botas.

Yo estoy muy interesado en comprar las botas :)
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Muy buenas botas felicitaciones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yo tambien estoy trabajando en el mismo proyecto !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very good boots, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am working in the same project, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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