Dirty, dirty Scout...


Active Hunter
Hey gang, since I've been looking around I thought I'd showoff pics of my current 501st costume....TB Scout Trooper. Didn't see this section until after I posted in my introduction thread. :D





i'm with el1te, the biker scout is the coolest next to fett......backpacks with jets and bikes are my favorite things!! i like how you got your scout all dirty too, it looks real in the woods. awesome job!
You have no idea how much grief I've got from some of my fellow Scouts...not canon, not canon! :)

I like a little artistic freedom, thanks for the comments.
I have me "Clean" Scout standing next to me Fett in my sports room...but I am thinking that your "Bad Azz Dirty Scout" has changed my mind brother! Well Done!!!
this is the best looking scout i have ever seen...granted i'm no expert, but this looks amazing. That crouched photo next to the tree looks screen worthy for sure. Love the realistic weathering as well....biker scouts should be dirty.

who is the maker of your helmet? I am currently working on some wood molds to make a couple sets of armor for my girlfriend and I, but I don't know if i'll end up making the helmet myself...so i'm curious as yours looks great.

good job on the suit again,
Nice TB bro...is that a modded Rubies bucket? Nice Job! What armor make is it? the knees look very much like snowy knees

i have a scout also, not a personal fan of the very dirty scout for my personal armor. My preference is more mildly weathered, id like to think i dont crash too much :lol: ..but thats just a preference...

Good job though, and great pics! :thumbsup: ..they are also making me realize i need to lose some weight! :lol:

heres mine,its more weathered than it appears...it was bright out lol (no-hijack intended):


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Thanks for the comments guys! Much appreciated. :)

The armor is SC and as for the lid, not exactly sure as I got it second hand from a friend of a friend....it's fiberglass and very nice, my favorite part.

Voorhees love your scout as well...looks very good on you mate!
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