From APH to Tie and X-Wing


Well-Known Hunter
After seeing all the work my wife has been putting into her DP Tie, I wanted to get her something better. After many months of looking I found the right APH and with help from Acro, I found the correct base helmet. The helmet that I found is the same size as the DP Tie and X-Wing helmets.

My first step is going to clean up and mold the base helmet. Then task castings from it to make the Tie and X-Wing helmets. Once those two helmets are done, mold them and then make her a nice cast.






Well I started on it today. I figure to make a nice Star Wars helmet, I will need a good base helmet. I took it apart and started to sort of restore the helmet. Half the screws where missing or rusty and will be replaced. The rest of the helmet is just nasty and many layers of paint.
I have part that holds the dual visors is now cleaned, sanded, and painted. The fan part is going to be getting the main helmet nice and smooth. Just need to clean up the main part. I got a buddy that sanding helmets helps him relax who is going to sand it. He also does great work.
Can't wait to see how this ends. I ran into you at the Children's Museum over 4th of July, and if your Jango armor is anything to go by, the helmet will be amazing! BTW, thanks for convincing me to stop being a lurker. I'm having a blast!
Told you to join and you would have fun!

Just that I have the main helmet to a person who will take all the paint off and make it nice and smooth. The part the has the strips one it is sanded and done.
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