TK-2618 checking in


New Hunter
Hello all,

My name is Dan, and, as many people who migrate here are, I'm interested in learning about and ultimately procuring a Boba Fett rig. I have been full-fledged 501st for over a year now, with three EIB TK versions (ANH, ESB, HWT), a Pathfinder TB, and an excellent TS, and I have now decided that I'd like to go for a Fett. Boba Fett was always one of my favorite characters growing up...I especially liked the "Tales from Jabba's Palace," story, and I am currently looking into whether I can do something like this on my budget.

My initial plan is to sell off the TS and TB. I need to make something work for close to what those will bring in. Unfortunately, I am not much of a painter, and I like being happily married :D, so I will probably be looking at already painted armor, while being willing to work on and create some of the soft parts myself.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone around here!
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