

Jr Hunter
So I was on ebay today and noticed something i've always wanted....a a Boba Fett Helmet for a good price.....not only a helmet but a jump suit with ankle spats. So i won it and now have a new hobby! I can't tell if the jump suit was ESB or ROTJ, I want to base it around what ever the jumpsuit is. .I've been looking around for ideas on how to build my own or just paint pieces that are already made up. I just wanted to say hey to everyone and in my excitement for my ebay purchase i've made a BF wallpaper for my mac

Welcome to the Dented Helmet!! This is the greatest place on the net for sounds like a website moto...anyways...Pretty sweet background!

Welcome to TDH. There is a great wealth of info here as well as some great people. Do some research on here before shopping on ebay. You will save yourself some time, money, and heartache.;)

I like your banner. :thumbsup:
Thanks guys, i've been doing alot of research on everything. Trying to get a good idea of how i want to go about putting together my first set of armor. I want a ROTJ set, but I'd really want to put together a custom set of my own first.
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